Example of Linked List as Template.

This code was compiled and tested on a Linux machine

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.


#ifndef LIST_CC
#define LIST_CC

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class Node {


		// Create a linked list node by setting its data to the input parameter
		// and the next node in the linked list to NULL (0)
		Node(const T& data_input);

		//The default constructor doesn't initialize the data members

		//The default destructor doesn't initialize the data members

		// Contains the data of the linked list node
		T data;	

		// Contains a pointer to the next item in the linked list
		Node<T> *next;

		// Contains a pointer to the previous item in the linked list
		Node<T> *previous;


template <typename T>
class List {

		// Contains a pointer to the first node in the
		// linked list (the head of the list)
		Node<T> *head;	

		// Contains a pointer to the last node in the
		// linked list (the head of the list)
		Node<T> *tail;

		int num_elements;


		// Create a Linked list by initializing it's head to NULL (0)

		List(const List<T>& list);

		// Delete all the elements in the linked list when the list is deleted

		bool isempty() const;

		// Takes an item as a parameter, appends that item to
		// the front of the list, and returns the list
		List<T> *addtofront(const T& data_input);

		// Takes an item as a parameter, appends that item to
		// the back of the list, and returns the list
		List<T> *addtoback(const T& data_input);

		// Returns a pointer to a copy of the first item in the list,
		// leaving it in the list
		Node<T> *getfirst() const;

		int size() const;

		// Takes no parameters, and returns a list containing
		// all but the first element of the list
		List<T> *getrest() const;

		// Print all the elements in the linked list
		void show();


// -------------------------------------
// ------------Node class---------------
// -------------------------------------

// Create a linked list node by setting its data to the input parameter
// and the next node in the linked list to NULL (0)
template <typename T>
Node<T>::Node(const T& data_input) {

   data = data_input;

    next = NULL;

    previous = NULL;


// Default constructor leaves data items unspecified
template <typename T>
Node<T>::Node() {

    next = NULL;

    previous = NULL;

// Default constructor leaves data items unspecified
template <typename T>
Node<T>::~Node() {

// -------------------------------------
// ------------List class---------------
// -------------------------------------

// Default constructor creates an empty list
template <typename T>
List<T>::List(void) {

    head = NULL;

	tail = NULL;

    num_elements = 0;


template <typename T>
List<T>::List(const List<T>& list){

    if ( list.head != NULL ){

		Node<T> *current_node = list.head;

		while (current_node != NULL){


			current_node = current_node->next;


// Delete all the elements in the linked list when the list is deleted
template <typename T>
List<T>::~List(void) {

   Node<T> *next_node;

    Node<T> *current_node = head;

    while (current_node != NULL) {

       	next_node = current_node->next;


        current_node = next_node;



template <typename T>
bool List<T>::isempty() const{
	return((num_elements < 1));

template <typename T>
int List<T>::size() const{
	return num_elements;

// Takes an item as a parameter, appends that item to
// the front of the list, and returns the list
template <typename T>
List<T> *List<T>::addtofront(const T& data_input){

    Node<T> *new_node;

    new_node = new Node<T>;

    new_node->data = data_input;

	// If list_head == 0 then assign new_node as the list_head
	// else point new_node->next to list_head. After make that
	// new node the list_head
    if (head == NULL) {

        head = new_node;

        tail = new_node;

    } else {

        new_node->next = head;

        head = new_node;	



	return (this);

// Takes an item as a parameter, appends that item to
// the back of the list, and returns the list
template <typename T>
List<T> *List<T>::addtoback(const T& data_input){

    Node<T> *new_node;

    new_node = new Node<T>;

    new_node->data = data_input;

    if (tail == NULL) {

        tail = new_node;

	    if (head == NULL) {

	        head = new_node;

	    } else {

	        new_node->next = head;

	        head = new_node;	


    } else {

		tail->next = new_node;

		new_node->previous = tail;

		tail = new_node;




	return (this);

// Returns a pointer to a copy of the first item in the list,
// leaving it in the list
template <typename T>
Node<T> *List<T>::getfirst() const{
	return (new Node<T>(head->data));

// Takes no parameters, and returns a list containing
// all but the first element of the list
template <typename T>
List<T> *List<T>::getrest() const{

	List<T> *rlist = new List<T>();

	Node<T> *current_node;

	if (head->next != NULL){

		current_node = head->next;

		while (current_node != NULL){


			current_node = current_node->next;

	return (rlist);

// Print all the elements in the linked list
template <typename T>
void List<T>::show() {

    cout << 'List of ' << num_elements << ' elements: ' ;

    Node<T> *current_node = head;

    while (current_node != NULL) {

        cout << current_node->data << ' ';

        current_node = current_node->next;


    cout << endl;



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include 'List.cc'

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
List<T> *reverse(List<T>& list);

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

	List<string> my_list;

	List<string> *my_list_2;

	cout << endl << 'BUILD ORIGINAL---------------------------' << endl;



	cout << endl << 'REVERSE ORIGINAL---------------------------' << endl;

	my_list_2 = reverse<string>(my_list);

	cout << endl << 'New: ';


	delete my_list_2;

	return 0;

// Write a templated reverse() function
// (not a member function of your class, but instead
// a standalone templated function)
// that operates on a doubly linked list object
// (that you implemented for Part 1).
// Your reverse function should take as input a
// doubly linked list object,
// and return a copy of the list,
// but in reverse order. 

// Your function must be recursive,
// and must use the four functions above.

// A reversed list can be built by taking an element off one side,
// reversing the list without that element in it,
// and then putting that element back into the list,
// on the other side.... use that reasoning to design your recursive
// reverse function. 

template <typename T>
List<T> *reverse(List<T>& list){		

	if (list.size() < 1){

		List<T> *rlist = new List<T>;

		return (rlist);


		Node<T> *node;

		List<T> *rlist = new List<T>;

		node = list.getfirst();

		rlist = list.getrest();

		rlist = reverse<T>(*rlist);


		delete (node);

		return (rlist);


If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

© 2010, Alejandro G. Carlstein Ramos Mejia. All rights reserved.


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