NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. The use of this code and/or information is under your own responsibility and risk. The information and/or code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.

Example of Disjktra algorithm using heap.


 * Program: 09
 * Author: Alejandro G. Carlstein
 * Description: Disjktra Algorithm using heap

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <limits.h>

#define MAX_EDGES 100001
#define MAX_VERTICES  500001
#define LEFT(i) ((i << 1) + 1)
#define RIGHT(i) ((i << 1) + 2)
#define DIV_BY_2(i) (i >> 1)
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

#define DBG_LV0 0
#define DBG_LV1 0
#define DBG_LV2 0
#define DBG_LV3 0

struct Edge{
  int startVertex;
  int endVertex;
  unsigned int length;
} edges[MAX_EDGES];

struct Vertex{
	unsigned int id;
	unsigned int weight;
	struct Vertex *predecessor;
	short visited;
} vertices[MAX_VERTICES];

struct AdjList{
	struct Vertex *vertexPointer;
	int edgeIndex;
	struct AdjList *next;
} *adjList[MAX_VERTICES], *headAdj, *newAdj;

void init(void);
void readStandardInput(void);
void printEdges(void);
void disjktraAlgorithm(void);
void initializeSingleSource(void);
void printVertices(void);
void buildAdjacentVertexList(void);
void insertAdjVerticesOf(int vertexIndex);
void insertAdjVertex(int vertexIndex, int adjVertexIndex, int edgeIndex);
void printAdjList(int vertexIndex);
void makePriorityQueue(int heapArray[], int *length);
void printArray(int array[], int length);
void buildMinHeap(int heapArray[], int length);
void minHeapify(int heapArray[], int index, int heapSize);
int heapExtractMin(int heapArray[], int *heapSize);
void exchange(int *a, int *b);
void addVertexToList(struct AdjList *vertexList, struct Vertex *vertex);
void relax(int startVertex, int endVertex, int edge);
void printRoute(void);
void debug(int debugLevel, char *fmt, ...);
void errorDoExit(char *fmt, ...);

int numVertices, numEdges;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

	return 0;

void init(void){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'init()');

void readStandardInput(void){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'readStandardInput()');	

	scanf('%d %d', &numVertices, &numEdges);
	debug(DBG_LV1, '# of vertices: %d, # of edges: %d', numVertices, numEdges);

void printEdges(void){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'printEdges()');	

	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i){
		scanf('%d %d %d', &edges[i].startVertex, &edges[i].endVertex, &edges[i].length);
		debug(DBG_LV1, '[%d](%d <%d> %d)', i, edges[i].startVertex, edges[i].length, edges[i].endVertex);

// Disjktra(G, w, s)	//s is source vertex - w is weight
void disjktraAlgorithm(void){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'disjktraAlgorithm()');	

	// InitializeSingleSource(G, s);

	//	S <- 0    // It will hold vertices
	struct AdjList *vertexList = NULL;

	//	Q <- V[G] // Make a priority Queue for the vertices
	int heapArray[numVertices];
	int heapLength = 0;
	makePriorityQueue(heapArray, &heapLength);

	//	while Q != 0
	while(heapLength > 0){	

		//		do u <- extractMin(Q)
		if (DBG_LV1) printArray(heapArray, heapLength);
		int vertexIndex = heapExtractMin(heapArray, &heapLength);
		debug(DBG_LV1, '[!]vertex[%d] Weight: %d\n', vertexIndex, vertices[vertexIndex].weight);
		if (DBG_LV1) printArray(heapArray, heapLength);		

		//S <- S U {u}
		addVertexToList(vertexList, &vertices[vertexIndex]);

		//		for each vertex v e Adj[u]
		struct AdjList *tempAdj;
		tempAdj = adjList[vertexIndex];
		while(tempAdj != NULL){
			//			do relax(u, v, w);
			relax(vertexIndex, tempAdj->vertexPointer->id, tempAdj->edgeIndex);
			tempAdj = tempAdj->next;
		vertices[vertexIndex].visited = TRUE;


void initializeSingleSource(void){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'initializeSingleSource()');	

	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i){
		vertices[i].id = i;
		vertices[i].weight = INT_MAX;
		vertices[i].predecessor = NULL;	// p[v] predecessor that is either another vertex or NULL
		vertices[i].visited = FALSE;
	vertices[0].weight = 0;

	if (DBG_LV1) printVertices();


	if (DBG_LV1){
		debug(DBG_LV1, '*List of all adj. vertices*');
		for (i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)


void printVertices(void){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'printVertices()');  

	printf('[ ]');
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
		printf('[%d]', i);

	if (DBG_LV1){
		for (i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
			printf(' %d ' , vertices[i].id);

	for (i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
		if (vertices[i].weight == INT_MAX){
			printf(' ! ');
			printf(' %d ' , vertices[i].weight);

		for (i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
			if (vertices[i].predecessor == NULL){
				printf(' N ');
				printf(' %d ' , (int)vertices[i].predecessor->id);

		for (i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
			if (vertices[i].visited == TRUE){
				printf(' Y ');
				printf(' N ');


void buildAdjacentVertexList(void){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'buildAdjacentVertexList()');

	int vertexIndex;
	for (vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < numVertices; ++vertexIndex){

void insertAdjVerticesOf(int vertexIndex){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'insertAdjVerticesOf(vertexIndex: %d)', vertexIndex);	

	debug(DBG_LV1, ' Searching for adjacent Vertices');
	int edgeIndex;
	for (edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < numEdges; ++edgeIndex){

		int startVertex = edges[edgeIndex].startVertex;
		int endVertex = edges[edgeIndex].endVertex;
		debug(DBG_LV1, '  Edge[%d](%d <%d> %d)', edgeIndex, startVertex, edges[edgeIndex].length, endVertex);

		debug(DBG_LV1, '  (startVertex (%d) == (%d) vertexIndex)?', startVertex, vertexIndex);
		if (startVertex == vertexIndex){
			debug(DBG_LV1, '   YES');
			insertAdjVertex(vertexIndex, endVertex, edgeIndex);
			insertAdjVertex(endVertex, vertexIndex, edgeIndex);
	if(DBG_LV1) printAdjList(vertexIndex);

void insertAdjVertex(int vertexIndex, int adjVertexIndex, int edgeIndex){

	struct AdjList *headAdj;
	headAdj = adjList[vertexIndex];	

	struct AdjList *newAdj = (struct AdjList *) malloc(sizeof(struct AdjList));
	newAdj->vertexPointer = &vertices[adjVertexIndex];
	newAdj->edgeIndex = edgeIndex;
	newAdj->next = NULL;

	if (headAdj == NULL){
		newAdj->next = adjList[vertexIndex];
		adjList[vertexIndex] = newAdj;
		struct AdjList *currentAdj = adjList[vertexIndex];
		while (currentAdj->next != NULL)
			currentAdj = currentAdj->next;
		newAdj->next = currentAdj->next;
		currentAdj->next = newAdj;

void printAdjList(int vertexIndex){
	debug(DBG_LV0, '**printAdjList(vertexIndex: %d)', vertexIndex);	

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Adjacent Vertices of Vertex: %d', vertexIndex);

	struct AdjList *tempAdj;
	tempAdj = adjList[vertexIndex];	

	if (tempAdj == NULL){
		debug(DBG_LV1, ' tempAdj is empty');

		printf('[%d]', vertexIndex);
		int i = 0;
		while(tempAdj != NULL){
			printf('[%d]', i++);
			tempAdj = tempAdj->next;

		tempAdj = adjList[vertexIndex];
		while(tempAdj != NULL){
			printf(' %d ', tempAdj->vertexPointer->id);
			tempAdj = tempAdj->next;

		tempAdj = adjList[vertexIndex];
		while(tempAdj != NULL){
			if (tempAdj->vertexPointer->weight == INT_MAX){
				printf(' ! ');
				printf(' %d ' , tempAdj->vertexPointer->weight);
			tempAdj = tempAdj->next;

		tempAdj = adjList[vertexIndex];
		while(tempAdj != NULL){
			if (tempAdj->vertexPointer->predecessor == NULL){
				printf(' N ');
				printf(' %d ' , tempAdj->vertexPointer->predecessor->id);
			tempAdj = tempAdj->next;

		tempAdj = adjList[vertexIndex];
		while(tempAdj != NULL){
			if (tempAdj->vertexPointer->visited == TRUE){
				printf(' Y ');
				printf(' N ');
			tempAdj = tempAdj->next;


void makePriorityQueue(int heapArray[], int *length){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'makePriorityQueue(length: %d)', *length);

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
		heapArray[i] = i;

	*length = numVertices;
	if (DBG_LV1) printArray(heapArray, *length);
	buildMinHeap(heapArray, *length);
	if (DBG_LV1) printArray(heapArray, *length);
	if (DBG_LV1) printVertices();

void printArray(int array[], int length){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'printArray(length: %d)', length);

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
		printf('[%d]', i);

	for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
		printf(' %d ', array[i]);

void buildMinHeap(int heapArray[], int length){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'buildMinHeap(length: %d)', length);

	int heapSize = length;

	int index;
	for (index = DIV_BY_2(length); index > -1; --index)
		minHeapify(heapArray, index, heapSize);

void minHeapify(int heapArray[], int index, int heapSize){
	debug(DBG_LV2, 'minHeapify(index: %d, heapSize: %d)', index, heapSize);

	int smallestIndex = index;
	int leftIndex = LEFT(index);
	int rightIndex = RIGHT(index);
	debug(DBG_LV1, '-SmallestIndex: %d, leftIndex: %d, rightIndex: %d', smallestIndex, leftIndex, rightIndex);

	if (leftIndex <= heapSize && rightIndex <= heapSize){

		unsigned int indexValue = vertices[heapArray[index]].weight;
					'INDEX: vertices[heapArray[%d]: %d].id: %d, .weight: %d',
					index, heapArray[index], vertices[heapArray[index]].id,

		unsigned int leftValue = vertices[heapArray[leftIndex]].weight;
					'LEFT VALUE: vertices[heapArray[%d]: %d].id: %d, .weight: %d',
					leftIndex, heapArray[leftIndex], vertices[heapArray[leftIndex]].id,

		if ((leftIndex < heapSize) && (leftValue < indexValue))
			smallestIndex = leftIndex;

		debug(DBG_LV1, 'smallestIndex: %d', smallestIndex);

		unsigned int rightValue = vertices[heapArray[rightIndex]].weight;

					'LEFT VALUE: vertices[heapArray[%d]: %d].id: %d, .weight: %d',
					rightIndex, heapArray[rightIndex], vertices[heapArray[rightIndex]].id,

		if ((rightIndex < heapSize) && (rightValue < indexValue))
			smallestIndex = rightIndex;

		debug(DBG_LV1, 'smallestIndex: %d', smallestIndex);

		if (smallestIndex != index){
			exchange(&heapArray[index], &heapArray[smallestIndex]);
			minHeapify(heapArray, smallestIndex, heapSize);

int heapExtractMin(int heapArray[], int *heapSize){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'heapExtractMin(heapSize: %d)', *heapSize);

	if (*heapSize < 1)
		errorDoExit('Heap Underflow');

	buildMinHeap(heapArray, *heapSize);

	int min = heapArray[0];
	heapArray[0] = heapArray[*heapSize];
	minHeapify(heapArray, 1, *heapSize);

	return min;

void exchange(int *a, int *b){
	debug(DBG_LV3, 'exchange(a: %d, b: %d)', *a, *b);

		int temp;
		temp = *a;
		*a = *b;
		*b = temp;

void addVertexToList(struct AdjList *vertexList, struct Vertex *vertex){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'addVertexToList()');	

	struct AdjList *newAdj = (struct AdjList *) malloc(sizeof(struct AdjList));
	newAdj->vertexPointer = vertex;
	if (vertexList == NULL){
		newAdj->next = vertexList;
		vertexList = newAdj;
		struct AdjList *currentAdj = vertexList;
		while (currentAdj->next != NULL)
			currentAdj = currentAdj->next;
		newAdj->next = currentAdj->next;
		currentAdj->next = newAdj;

void relax(int startVertex, int endVertex, int edgeIndex){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'relax(startVertex: %d, endVerted: %d, edgeIndex: %d)', startVertex, endVertex, edgeIndex);	

	unsigned int weight = vertices[startVertex].weight + edges[edgeIndex].length;

	debug (DBG_LV1, 'vertices[%d].weight(%d) > (%d)weight', endVertex, vertices[endVertex].weight, weight);
	if (vertices[endVertex].weight > weight){
		vertices[endVertex].weight = weight;
		vertices[endVertex].predecessor = &vertices[startVertex];

void debug(int debugLevel, char *fmt, ...){
	if (debugLevel){
		va_list argp;
		fprintf(stdout, '[DBG] ');
		va_start(argp, fmt);
		vfprintf(stdout, fmt, argp);
		fprintf(stdout, '\n');

void errorDoExit(char *fmt, ...){
	va_list argp;
	fprintf(stderr, '[Error] ');
	va_start(argp, fmt);
	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, argp);
	if (errno){
		fprintf(stderr, '=> %s\n', strerror(errno));
		fprintf(stderr, '\n');


8 11
0 1 1
4 5 1
1 5 2
2 5 2
5 6 2
0 3 2
3 4 3
5 7 3
4 2 4
4 6 4
1 2 5

If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

© 2010, Alejandro G. Carlstein Ramos Mejia. All rights reserved.


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