Below are a few most common commands that are useful to know:
- Clean up your branch list of branches that doesn’t exist any longer on the remote repository:
git fetch --prune
- Delete local branch in local repository:
git branch -D <branch_name>
- Delete remote branch in remote repository:
git push origin --delete <branch_name>
- Show which files are tracked or not:
git status
- Track all changes you have done so far:
git add .
- Commit your tracked changes to your local repository:
git commit
- Revert addition done in git:
git reset
git reset <filename>
git rm --cached <filename>
- Submit your tracked changes, saved in your local repository, to the remote repository:
git push -u origin <branch_name>
- Merge one branch into your current branch:
git merge --no-ff <other_branch>
- Change branches:
git checkout <branch_name>
- Create a new branch from current branch:
git checkout -b <new_branch_name>
- Revert file to its state in master branch:
git checkout origin/master <filename>
- Find and Restore a deleted file from repository:
(First we find if the file exist then we retrieve it)-
git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- <FILE_PATH/FILENAME>
git checkout <branch_name>^ -- <FILE_PATH/FILENAME>
- Save in the stash your files changes (add -u or –include-untracked if needed):
git stash git stash --include-untracked git stash -u
- Apply your file changes saved in the stash into your current branch:
git stash pop
git stash apply
- History of an specific file that you don’t know where reside:
git log --all "**/file.groovy"
- Stash untracked files without staging them (Version 1.7.7+):
git stash save -u
- Get all the stuff from remote repository:
git pull
- Problems when pulling? Asking you to retry a link issue? Try the garbage collector
git gc
- Reset local branch to origin (remote) version
git reset --hard origin/<branch_name>
- Change Local and Remove branch name
git branch -m <branch_new_name>
git branch -m <branch_old_name> <branch_new_name>
git push origin :<branch_old_name> <branch_new_name>
git push origin -u <branch_new_name>