Example of Coding on haXe – Part 10

In this example you will see: feffects, feffects.Tween, flash.external.ExternalInterface.

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.

Code Example: Example_10_Sprite2D.hx:

 * @author: Alejandro G. Carlstein R. M.
 * @description: In order to use Tweener you have to install the feffects
 * Install: neko-dev (Ubuntu: sudo apt-get Eneko-dev)
 * Execute: haxelib install feffects
 *	 Compile with flag: -lib feffects
 *	 Tweens available: feffects.easing.
 *	 Quint.easeIn, Quint.easeOut, Quint.easeInOut
 *	 Sine.easeIn, Sine.easeOut, Sine.easeInOut
 *	 Back.easeIn, Back.easeOut, Back.easeInOut
 *	 Bounce.easeIn, Bounce.easeOut, Bounce.easeInOut
 *	 Circ.easeIn, Circ.easeOut, Circ.easeInOut
 *	 Cubic.easeIn, Cubic.easeOut, Cubic.easeInOut
 *	 Elastic.easeIn, Elastic.easeOut, Elastic.easeInOut
 *	 Expo.easeIn, Expo.easeOut, Expo.easeInOut
 *	 Linear.easeIn, Linear.easeOut, Linear.easeInOut, Linear.easeNone
 *	 Quad.easeIn, Quad.easeOut, Quad.easeInOut
 *	 Quart.easeIn, Quart.easeOut, Quad.easeInOut

import feffects.Tween;
import feffects.easing.Bounce;
import feffects.easing.Circ;
import feffects.easing.Elastic;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.Sprite;

class NumericBall2D extends Sprite{
	private var text_field : TextField;
	private static var LINE_SIZE : Float = 1.0;
	private static var LINE_COLOR : Int = 0x000000;
	private static var FILL_COLOR : Int = 0x11FF33;
	private static var CIRCLE_X : Int = 0;
	private static var CIRCLE_Y : Int = 0;
	public function new(size : Float = 25){
		graphics.lineStyle(LINE_SIZE, LINE_COLOR);
	  graphics.drawCircle(CIRCLE_X, CIRCLE_Y, size);

	  text_field = new TextField();

	public function setText(text : String){
		text_field.text = text;
	  text_field.x = this.x - 12;
	  text_field.y = this.y - 40;

class Example_10_Sprite2D{

    private var numericBall2D : NumericBall2D;
    private var tween : Tween;
		private static var MIN_Y : Int = 100;
		private static var MAX_Y : Int = 300;
		private static var EFFECT_DURATION : Int = 5000;

    public function new(?x : Float){
        numericBall2D = new NumericBall2D();
        numericBall2D.x = x;

        tween = new Tween(MIN_Y, MAX_Y, EFFECT_DURATION, Elastic.easeOut );
        tween.setTweenHandlers(moveY, msgFinished );
        trace ( 'tween staring at position: ' + MIN_Y);

    function moveY( position : Float ){
        numericBall2D.y = position;

    function msgFinished( position : Float ){
        trace ( 'tween finished at position: ' + position );



 * @author: Alejandro G. Carlstein R. M.
 * @description:

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import flash.Lib;

class Example_10{

  static function main(){
		var happy = new Example_10_Sprite2D(100);


If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

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Example of Coding on haXe – Part 9

In this example you will see: TextField, TextFormat, TextFormatAlign.

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.

Actual Example:

Sorry, either Adobe flash is not installed or you do not have it enabled

Code example: Example_9.hx:

 * @author: Alejandro G. Carlstein R. M.
 * @description:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
import flash.text.TextFormatDisplay;

class MyTextField extends flash.display.MovieClip{

	private var text_field : TextField;
	private var text_format : TextFormat;
	private var text_font : String;
	private var text_size : Int;
	private var text_color : Int;
	private var text : String;

	private function initTextFormat(){
		text_format = new TextFormat();
		text_format.font = text_font;
    text_format.size = text_size;
    text_format.color = text_color;

	private function initTextField(){
		var text_field = new TextField();
		text_field.defaultTextFormat = text_format;
		text_field.text = text;
		text_field.x = x;
		text_field.y = y;

	public function new(){
		text_font = 'Helvetica';
		text_size = 12;
		text_color = 0x000000;
		text = 'Default';

class MyTextField2D extends TextField{

	private var text_format : TextFormat;			

	public static var LEFT : TextFormatAlign = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
	public static var RIGHT : TextFormatAlign = TextFormatAlign.RIGHT;
	public static var CENTER : TextFormatAlign = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
	public static var JUSTIFY : TextFormatAlign = TextFormatAlign.JUSTIFY;	

	public function new(?text : String, ?font : String, ?size : Int, ?color : Int){
		text_format = new TextFormat();
		text_format.font = (font == null) ? 'Helvetica' : font;
		text_format.size = (size == null) ? 16 : size;
		text_format.color = (color == null) ? 0x000000 : color;
 		this.defaultTextFormat = text_format;
		this.text = 'Default 2D';

	public function setFont(font : String) : Void{
		text_format.font = font;

	public function getFont() : String{
		return text_format.font;

	public function setSize(size : Float) : Void{
		text_format.size = size;

	public function getSize() : Float {
		return text_format.size;

	public function setColor(color : Int) : Void{
		text_format.color = color;

	public function getColor() : Int {
		return text_format.color;

	public function setBold(boolean : Bool) : Void {
		text_format.bold = boolean;

	public function isBold() : Bool{
		return text_format.bold;

	public function setItalic (boolean : Bool) : Void{
		text_format.italic = boolean;

	public function isItalic() : Bool{
		return text_format.italic;

	public function setUnderline(boolean : Bool) : Void{
		text_format.underline = boolean;

	public function isUnderline() : Bool{
		return text_format.underline;

	public function setAlign(align : TextFormatAlign) : Void {
		text_format.align = align;

	public function getAlign() : TextFormatAlign{
		return text_format.align;

	public function setIndent(indentation : Float) : Void{
		text_format.indent = indentation;

	public function getIndent() : Float {
		return text_format.indent;

	public function setURL(url : String) : Void{
		text_format.url = url;

	public function getURL() : String{
		return text_format.url;

	public function setLeftMargin(margin : Float) : Void{

	public function getLeftMargin() : Float{
		return text_format.leftMargin;

	public function setRightMargin(margin : Float) : Void{

	public function getRightMargin() : Float{
		return text_format.rightMargin;

	public function setLetterSpacing(spacing : Float) : Void{
		text_format.letterSpacing = spacing;

	public function getLetterSpacing() : Float{
		return text_format.letterSpacing;

	public function setLeading(leading : Float) : Void{
		text_format.leading = leading;

	public function getLeading() : Float{
		return text_format.leading;

	public function setKerning(boolean : Bool) : Void{
		text_format.kerning = boolean;

	public function isKerning() : Bool{
		return text_format.kerning;

	public function setBullet(boolean : Bool) : Void{
		text_format.bullet = boolean;

	public function isBullet() : Bool{
		return text_format.bullet;

	public function setBlockIndent(blockIndent : Float) : Void{
		text_format.blockIndent = blockIndent;

	public function getBlockIndex() : Float{
		return text_format.blockIndent;

	public function setDisplay(display : TextFormatDisplay) : Void{
		text_format.display = display;

	public function getDisplay() : TextFormatDisplay{
		return text_format.display;

	public function setTarget(target : String) : Void{
		text_format.target = target;

	public function getTartet() : String{
		return text_format.target;

	public function setTabStops(tabStops : Array<UInt>) : Void{
		text_format.tabStops = tabStops;

	public function getTabStops() : Array<UInt>{
		return text_format.tabStops;

	public function addAsChild() : Void {

class Example_9 {

	static function main(){
		var myTextField : MyTextField = new MyTextField();

		var myTextField2D : MyTextField2D = new MyTextField2D();
		myTextField2D.x = 20.0;
		myTextField2D.y = 20.0;
		haxe.Timer.delay(function(){myTextField2D.setColor(0xAAFF22);}, 2000);
                haxe.Timer.delay(function(){myTextField2D.setColor(0x0000FF);}, 5000);
                haxe.Timer.delay(function(){myTextField2D.setColor(0x00FF00);}, 10000);
                haxe.Timer.delay(function(){myTextField2D.setColor(0xFF0000);}, 15000);

Error: Attachment is not available or is not Flash content.

If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

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Example of Coding on haXe – Part 8

In this example you will see: Class, extends, flash.display.MovieClip, flash.display.MovieClip.graphics, haxe.Timer.delay, flash.Lib.current.addChild

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.

Actual Example:

Sorry, either Adobe flash is not installed or you do not have it enabled

Code example: Example_8.hx:

 * @author: Alejandro G. Carlstein R. M.
 * @description:

import flash.display.MovieClip;

class Rectangle2D{
	private static var DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR = 0x000000;
	private static var DEFAULT_BORDER_THICKNESS = 1.0;
	private var x : Int;
	private var y : Int;
	private var width : Int;
	private var height : Int;
	private var background_color : Null<Int>;
	private var border_color : Null<Int>;
	private var border_thickness : Null<Float>;
	private var movie_clip : flash.display.MovieClip;

	public function new(x : Int,
											y : Int,
											width : Int,
											height : Int,
											?background_color : Null<Int>,
											?border_color : Null<Int>,
											?border_thickness : Null<Float>){
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		this.width = width;
		this.height = height;
		this.background_color = (background_color == null) ? null : background_color;
		this.border_color = (border_color == null) ? DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR : border_color;
		this.border_thickness = (border_thickness == null) ? DEFAULT_BORDER_THICKNESS : border_thickness;

	public function draw(){
		movie_clip = flash.Lib.current;
		moveTo(x, y);

	public function moveTo(x : Int, y : Int){
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		resize(width, height);

	public function resize(width : Int, height : Int){

    if (background_color != null)

		if (border_thickness != null)
	    movie_clip.graphics.lineStyle(border_thickness, border_color);

		movie_clip.graphics.moveTo(x, y);
    movie_clip.graphics.lineTo(width, height);
    movie_clip.graphics.lineTo(x, height);

    movie_clip.graphics.lineTo(x, y);

    if (background_color > -1)



class Shape2D extends MovieClip{
	private static var DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR = 0x000000;
	private static var DEFAULT_BORDER_THICKNESS = 1.0;
	private var radius : Float;
	private var background_color : Null<Int>;
	private var border_color : Null<Int>;
	private var border_thickness : Null<Float>;

	public function new(x : Int,
											y : Int,
											?background_color : Null<Int>,
											?border_color : Null<Int>,
											?border_thickness : Null<Float>){
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		this.background_color = (background_color == null) ? null : background_color;
		this.border_color = (border_color == null) ? DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR : border_color;
		this.border_thickness = (border_thickness == null) ? DEFAULT_BORDER_THICKNESS : border_thickness;

	public function drawCircle(radius : Float, ?x : Int, ?y : Int){
		if (x != null) this.x = x;
		if (x != null) this.y = y;
		this.radius = radius;
		graphics.drawCircle(x, y, radius);

	public function drawRectangle(width : Int, height : Int, ?x : Int, ?y : Int){
		if (x != null) this.x = x;
		if (x != null) this.y = y;
		this.width = width;
		this.height = height;
		graphics.drawRect(x, y, width, height);

	private function beginDraw(){
		graphics.moveTo(x, y);

    if (background_color != null)

		if (border_thickness != null)
	    graphics.lineStyle(border_thickness, border_color);


	private function endDraw(){
		 if (background_color > -1)


class Example_8{

 	static function main(){

		var rectangle : Rectangle2D = new Rectangle2D(100,100,100, 100, 0x334433, 0x44444);
		rectangle.resize(200, 200);
		haxe.Timer.delay(function(){rectangle.moveTo(0, 0);}, 2000);

		var shape2D : Shape2D = new Shape2D(100,100, null, 0x000000, 3.0);

		haxe.Timer.delay(function(){shape2D.drawRectangle(100, 100);}, 2000);


If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

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Example of Coding on haXe (SnapSack Algorithm) – Part 7

In this example you will see: Snapsack algorithm using multi-dimensional arrays

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.


 * @author: Alejandro G. Carlstein R. M.

class Item{
	public var name : String;
	public var weight : Int;
  public var value : Int;
 	public function new(?name : String, ?weight : Int, ?value : Int){
		this.name = (name == null) ? '' : name;
		this.weight = (weight == null) ? 0 : weight;
		this.value = (value == null) ? 0 : value;

	public function setName(name : String) : Void{
		this.name = (name == null) ? '' : name;

	public function getName() : String{
		return this.name;

	public function setWeight(weight : Int) : Void{
		this.weight = weight;

	public function getWeight() : Int{
		return this.weight;

	public function setValue(value : Int) : Void{
		this.value = value;

	public function getValue() : Int{
		return this.value;


/* Our dynamic programming table element.
 * We have the value that we can store, and
 * also a way to remember what we selected.
class Prog{
  public var value : Int;
  public var prev_row : Int;
  public var prev_column : Int;
	public function new(?prev_row : Int, ?prev_column : Int, ?value : Int){
		this.value = (value == null) ? 0 : value;
		this.prev_row = (prev_row == null) ? -1 : prev_row;
		this.prev_column = (prev_column == null) ? -1 : prev_column;

	public function setValue(value : Int) : Void{
		this.value = value;

	public function getValue() : Int{
		return this.value;

	public function setPrevRow(prev_row : Int) : Void{
		this.prev_row = prev_row;

	public function getPrevRow() : Int{
		return this.prev_row;

	public function setPrevColumn(prev_column : Int) : Void{
		this.value = prev_column;

	public function getPrevColumn() : Int{
		return this.prev_column;

class Snapsack{
	private var items : Array<Item>;
	private var selected_items : Array<Item>;
	private var table : Array<Array<Prog>>;

	private var max_weight : Int;
	private var num_items : Int;
	private var total_weight : Int;
	private var total_value : Int;

	private function initTable() : Void{
		var i : Int = 0;
		var j : Int = 0;
		for (i in 0...num_items) {
			table[i] = new Array<Prog>();
			for (j in 0...max_weight) {
				table[i][j] = new Prog(0, 0, 0);

	private function initItems(){
		var i : Int = 0;
		for (i in 0...num_items){
			items[i] = new Item('', 0, 0);

	private function printTable() : Void{
		var str : String = '';
		var i : Int = 0;
		var j : Int = 0;
		for (i in 0...table.length) {
			for (j in 0...max_weight) {
				str += '[(' +
							table[i][j].prev_row +
							', ' +
							table[i][j].prev_column +
							') ' +
						  table[i][j].value +
			str = '';

	private function printItems(){
		var i : Int = 0;
		for (i in 0...num_items){
			trace('name: ' +
						items[i].name +
						', weight: ' +
						items[i].weight +
						', value: ' +

	public function new(num_items : Int, max_weight : Int){
		this.num_items = num_items;
		this.max_weight = ++max_weight;
		total_weight = 0;
		total_value = 0;
		items = new Array<Item>();
		table = new Array<Array<Prog>>();

		table.push(new Array<Prog>());
		for (i in 0...max_weight) {
			table[table.length - 1][i] = new Prog(-1, -1, 0);

	public function pushItem(name : String, weight : Int, value : Int){
		items.push(new Item(name, weight, value));
		table.push(new Array<Prog>());
		var i : Int = 0;
		for (i in 0...max_weight) {
			table[table.length - 1][i] = new Prog(-1, -1, 0);

	public function pickItems() : Void {
		var i : Int = 1;
		var w : Int = 0;

	  // Perform knapsack and find maximun value
	  for (i in 1...num_items + 1){
	    for (w in 0...max_weight){
	  		table[i][w].prev_row = i - 1;
			  table[i][w].prev_column = w;		

				// Check if item fit inside the knapsack
				if(items[i - 1].weight <= w) {
	        var diff_weight : Int = w - items[i - 1].weight;

	        // Check which value is higher
					table[i][w].value = Math.round(Math.max((items[i - 1].value + table[i - 1][diff_weight].value),
                              				             table[i - 1][w].value));

	        // Keep track of the previous column
					if(table[i][w].value > table[i - 1][w].value)
						table[i][w].prev_column = diff_weight;

					table[i][w].value = table[i - 1][w].value;

	  total_value = table[num_items - 1][max_weight - 1].value;

		total_weight = 0;
	  var w : Int = max_weight - 1;
  	var t : Int = 0;
  	selected_items = new Array<Item>();

  	var i : Int = num_items - 1;
  	while (i > 0){

			if(table[i][w].value != table[i - 1][w].value){

				total_weight += items[i - 1].weight;				

				selected_items.push(new Item(items[i - 1].name,
																		 items[i - 1].weight,
																		 items[i - 1].value));

			t = w;
		  w = table[i][w].prev_column;
		  i = table[i][t].prev_row;


	public function getTotalValue() : Int{
		return total_value;

	public function getTotalWeight() : Int{
		return total_weight;

	public function printResult() : Void{

		for (i in 0...selected_items.length)
			trace('name: ' +
						selected_items[i].name +
						', weight: ' +
						selected_items[i].weight +
						', value: ' +

class Example_7 {

	static function main(){

		trace('Creating Snapsack');
		var snapsack : Snapsack = new Snapsack(4, 5);

		trace('adding items to snapsack');
		snapsack.pushItem('item_A', 2, 3);
		snapsack.pushItem('item_B', 3, 4);
		snapsack.pushItem('item_C', 4, 5);
		snapsack.pushItem('item_D', 5, 6);
		trace('Total value: ' + snapsack.getTotalValue());
		trace('Total Weight: ' + snapsack.getTotalWeight());



If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

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Example of Coding on haXe (Quicksort, Hoarse, Random) – Part 6

In this example you will see: Regular quicksort, quicksort using random partition, quicksort using Hoarse partition, quicksort using random partition together with Hoarse partition

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.


 * @author: Alejandro G. Carlstein R. M.

enum PartitionType{

class QuickSort{
	private var data : Array<Int>;
	private var partition_type : PartitionType;

	private function _sort(start_index : Int, end_index : Int) : Void{
		if (start_index < end_index){
			var partition_index : Int = getPartitionIndex(start_index, end_index);
			_sort(start_index, partition_index - 1);
			_sort(partition_index + 1, end_index);

	private function getPartitionIndex(start_index : Int, end_index : Int) : Int{
			case DEFAULT:
				return partition(start_index, end_index);
				return randomPartition(start_index, end_index);
			case HOARSE:
				return hoarsePartition(start_index, end_index);
				return randomizedHoarsePartition(start_index, end_index);
		return -1;

	private function partition(start_index : Int, end_index : Int) : Int{
		var pivot_value : Int = data[end_index];
		var i : Int = start_index - 1;

		var index : Int = start_index;
		while (index < end_index){
			if (data[index] < pivot_value)
				exchange(++i, index);
		exchange(++i, end_index);
		return i;

	private function randomPartition(start_index : Int, end_index : Int) : Int{
		exchange(getRandom(start_index, end_index), end_index);
		return partition(start_index, end_index);

	private function getRandom(maximum_value : Int, minimum_value : Int) : Int{
		return Math.floor(Math.random() % (maximum_value - minimum_value)) + minimum_value;

	private function hoarsePartition(start_index : Int, end_index : Int) : Int{
		var pivot_value : Int = data[start_index];
		var left_index : Int = start_index;
		var right_index : Int = end_index;
		while (left_index < right_index){
			while (data[left_index] < pivot_value)
			while (data[left_index] > pivot_value)
			if (left_index < right_index)
				exchange(left_index, right_index);
			if (data[right_index] == data[left_index]){
		return right_index;

	private function randomizedHoarsePartition(start_index : Int, end_index : Int) : Int{
		exchange(getRandom(start_index, end_index), end_index);
		return hoarsePartition(start_index, end_index);

	private function exchange(index_a : Int, index_b : Int) : Void{
		var temp_value : Int = data[index_a];
		data[index_a] = data[index_b];
		data[index_b] = temp_value;

	// Constructor ( ? means that items is optional)
	public function new(?data : Array<Int>, ?partition_type : PartitionType){
		this.data = (data == null) ? new Array() : data;

	public function getData() : Array<Int> {
		return data;

	public function setData(data : Array<Int>) : Void {
		this.data = data;

	public function sort() : Void{
			_sort(0, data.length - 1);

	public function setPartitionType(parition_type : PartitionType) : Void{
		this.partition_type = (partition_type == null) ? DEFAULT : partition_type;


class Example_6 {

	static function main(){

		var data : Array<Int> = [3, 7, 1, -1];

		trace('QuickSort using regular partition:');
		var quicksort = new QuickSort(data, DEFAULT);
		data = quicksort.getData();

		data = [3, 7, 1, -1];
		trace('QuickSort using randomized partition:');
		var quicksort_1 = new QuickSort(data, RANDOMIZED);
		data = quicksort_1.getData();

		data = [3, 7, 1, -1];
		trace('QuickSort using Hoarse partition:');
		var quicksort_2 = new QuickSort(data, HOARSE);
		data = quicksort_2.getData();

		data = [3, 7, 1, -1];
		trace('QuickSort using randomized Hoarse partition:');
		var quicksort_3 = new QuickSort(data, RANDOMIZED_HOARSE);
		data = quicksort_3.getData();

	private static function printData(data : Array<Int>){
		var iter = data.iterator();
		var index : Int = 0;
		while (iter.hasNext()){
			trace('data[' + index++ + ']: ' + iter.next());


If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

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