In this example you will see: TextField, TextFormat, TextFormatAlign.
NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.
Actual Example:
Sorry, either Adobe flash is not installed or you do not have it enabledCode example: Example_9.hx:
/** * @author: Alejandro G. Carlstein R. M. * @description: */ import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.text.TextFormatAlign; import flash.text.TextFormatDisplay; class MyTextField extends flash.display.MovieClip{ private var text_field : TextField; private var text_format : TextFormat; private var text_font : String; private var text_size : Int; private var text_color : Int; private var text : String; private function initTextFormat(){ text_format = new TextFormat(); text_format.font = text_font; text_format.size = text_size; text_format.color = text_color; } private function initTextField(){ var text_field = new TextField(); text_field.defaultTextFormat = text_format; text_field.text = text; text_field.x = x; text_field.y = y; flash.Lib.current.addChild(text_field); } public function new(){ super(); text_font = 'Helvetica'; text_size = 12; text_color = 0x000000; initTextFormat(); text = 'Default'; initTextField(); } } class MyTextField2D extends TextField{ private var text_format : TextFormat; public static var LEFT : TextFormatAlign = TextFormatAlign.LEFT; public static var RIGHT : TextFormatAlign = TextFormatAlign.RIGHT; public static var CENTER : TextFormatAlign = TextFormatAlign.CENTER; public static var JUSTIFY : TextFormatAlign = TextFormatAlign.JUSTIFY; public function new(?text : String, ?font : String, ?size : Int, ?color : Int){ super(); text_format = new TextFormat(); text_format.font = (font == null) ? 'Helvetica' : font; text_format.size = (size == null) ? 16 : size; text_format.color = (color == null) ? 0x000000 : color; this.defaultTextFormat = text_format; this.text = 'Default 2D'; } public function setFont(font : String) : Void{ text_format.font = font; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getFont() : String{ return text_format.font; } public function setSize(size : Float) : Void{ text_format.size = size; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getSize() : Float { return text_format.size; } public function setColor(color : Int) : Void{ text_format.color = color; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getColor() : Int { return text_format.color; } public function setBold(boolean : Bool) : Void { text_format.bold = boolean; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function isBold() : Bool{ return text_format.bold; } public function setItalic (boolean : Bool) : Void{ text_format.italic = boolean; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function isItalic() : Bool{ return text_format.italic; } public function setUnderline(boolean : Bool) : Void{ text_format.underline = boolean; } public function isUnderline() : Bool{ return text_format.underline; } public function setAlign(align : TextFormatAlign) : Void { text_format.align = align; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getAlign() : TextFormatAlign{ return text_format.align; } public function setIndent(indentation : Float) : Void{ text_format.indent = indentation; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getIndent() : Float { return text_format.indent; } public function setURL(url : String) : Void{ text_format.url = url; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getURL() : String{ return text_format.url; } public function setLeftMargin(margin : Float) : Void{ text_format.leftMargin; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getLeftMargin() : Float{ return text_format.leftMargin; } public function setRightMargin(margin : Float) : Void{ text_format.rightMargin; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getRightMargin() : Float{ return text_format.rightMargin; } public function setLetterSpacing(spacing : Float) : Void{ text_format.letterSpacing = spacing; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getLetterSpacing() : Float{ return text_format.letterSpacing; } public function setLeading(leading : Float) : Void{ text_format.leading = leading; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getLeading() : Float{ return text_format.leading; } public function setKerning(boolean : Bool) : Void{ text_format.kerning = boolean; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function isKerning() : Bool{ return text_format.kerning; } public function setBullet(boolean : Bool) : Void{ text_format.bullet = boolean; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function isBullet() : Bool{ return text_format.bullet; } public function setBlockIndent(blockIndent : Float) : Void{ text_format.blockIndent = blockIndent; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getBlockIndex() : Float{ return text_format.blockIndent; } public function setDisplay(display : TextFormatDisplay) : Void{ text_format.display = display; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getDisplay() : TextFormatDisplay{ return text_format.display; } public function setTarget(target : String) : Void{ = target; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getTartet() : String{ return; } public function setTabStops(tabStops : Array<UInt>) : Void{ text_format.tabStops = tabStops; this.setTextFormat(text_format); } public function getTabStops() : Array<UInt>{ return text_format.tabStops; } public function addAsChild() : Void { flash.Lib.current.addChild(this); } } class Example_9 { static function main(){ var myTextField : MyTextField = new MyTextField(); var myTextField2D : MyTextField2D = new MyTextField2D(); myTextField2D.x = 20.0; myTextField2D.y = 20.0; flash.Lib.current.addChild(myTextField2D); haxe.Timer.delay(function(){myTextField2D.setColor(0xAAFF22);}, 2000); haxe.Timer.delay(function(){myTextField2D.setColor(0x0000FF);}, 5000); haxe.Timer.delay(function(){myTextField2D.setColor(0x00FF00);}, 10000); haxe.Timer.delay(function(){myTextField2D.setColor(0xFF0000);}, 15000); }
Error: Attachment is not available or is not Flash content.
If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.
© 2010 – 2011, Alejandro G. Carlstein Ramos Mejia. All rights reserved.