I was recycling one of the opto-sensors parts of the printers I took apart.
I am using the input of the Arduino to check if I can reuse them:
3D Printer – Working with the power supply
ATX power supplies turn on when the terminal (P-ON – Green Cable) are connected to ground.
Using the stand-by terminal to supply +5V to this circuit, I can turn it on and off by using the push button that comes with the desktop tower.
3D Printer – Building the case
I am working on the base case of the 3D printer. I am planning to make most of the parts such as the power supply reusable.
3D Printer – Jun 17, 2010
In two days, I will obtain some funds to continue building the 3D printer. I must confess that I am excited.
This cash will let me obtain tools and materials that I need to work on this project.
As I explain in previous postings, building a 3D printer using recycle printers parts is like working with different puzzle sets, you need to build some pieces to put it all together.
Talking about 3D printing, I found an article in Linux Pro Magazine written by James A. Barkley about the topic.
Even do there is a lot of information on the web, especially in the website http://www.hackaday.com in which there are postings about 3D printing.
Since I use my blog as a kind of notepad, the follow are just some notes I am taking from the article for me:
- Open Source Hardware (OSH), TAPR Open Hardware License, GPL, LGPL, GPLv3, Additive Manufacturing (AM), additive techniques, additive layer manufacturing, free-form fabrication, Electrong Beam Melting units, NYC Transistor, AS220, Willoughby and Baltic.
- ReplicatorG [7], Sanguino, apt-get install sun-java6-jdk avrdude gcc-avr avr-libc libusb libftdil libtfdi-dev (libusb?, libftdil?)
- Art of Illusion (AoI), Thingiverse, TurboSquid, .stl (stereolithography), .gts, .obj, .svg, MakeOne open source,
- Python, Skeinforge, Makebot tutorial about Skeinforge configuration, G-Code file, CNC machines, M-Code (handling management functions), CupCake, RepRap, extruder head/noozle, PVC welding rod, spindles of ABS plastic, Fab@Home, UV-curable materials, MakerGrear, LadyAda, Adafruit, Synfig Studio, Peekabot,
- Distance 1mm to close burn, 1mm away might cold quicky
- http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/List_of_Hacker_Spaces, http://evilmadscientist.com/article.php?3printerpreview, http://replicat.org/download, http://www.thingiverse.com, http://tubosquid.com, http://github.com/makeone/makeone, http://bitsfrombytes.com/wiki/index.php?title=Skeinforge, http://wiki.makebot.com/configuring-skeinforge, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-code, http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/G-code