Few weeks ago, my cellphone started ringing. My friend Carola Mayer was calling me to let me know that there was a course of pottery at the Roberson Museum. We talked about it and we both decided to assist the same class. This class is twelve week class in which you go one day a week; however, if you wish to practice you can go in other days. Our instructor is Daniele Vick who is a very nice person and gifted in helping others to work on their creations. For members, the class cost 284 U$S and for non-members it cost 334 U$S. After Carola and me talked for a while, we agree that it would be a good idea to become members as a way to help the museum costing us 40 U$S extra.
Creating the pieces of pottery requires to build a good technique. There are different steps such as centering the clay and reinforce it in hopes that the piece will not crack when put into the furnace. Later on, we are going to be able to pain them and a coat will be applied giving a glossing look. Below are the images of the different pieces I am creating as I go.
The end production of these projects are at the bottom of this gallery: