In this example you will see: feffects, feffects.Tween, flash.external.ExternalInterface.

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.

Code Example: Example_10_Sprite2D.hx:

 * @author: Alejandro G. Carlstein R. M.
 * @description: In order to use Tweener you have to install the feffects
 * Install: neko-dev (Ubuntu: sudo apt-get Eneko-dev)
 * Execute: haxelib install feffects
 *	 Compile with flag: -lib feffects
 *	 Tweens available: feffects.easing.
 *	 Quint.easeIn, Quint.easeOut, Quint.easeInOut
 *	 Sine.easeIn, Sine.easeOut, Sine.easeInOut
 *	 Back.easeIn, Back.easeOut, Back.easeInOut
 *	 Bounce.easeIn, Bounce.easeOut, Bounce.easeInOut
 *	 Circ.easeIn, Circ.easeOut, Circ.easeInOut
 *	 Cubic.easeIn, Cubic.easeOut, Cubic.easeInOut
 *	 Elastic.easeIn, Elastic.easeOut, Elastic.easeInOut
 *	 Expo.easeIn, Expo.easeOut, Expo.easeInOut
 *	 Linear.easeIn, Linear.easeOut, Linear.easeInOut, Linear.easeNone
 *	 Quad.easeIn, Quad.easeOut, Quad.easeInOut
 *	 Quart.easeIn, Quart.easeOut, Quad.easeInOut

import feffects.Tween;
import feffects.easing.Bounce;
import feffects.easing.Circ;
import feffects.easing.Elastic;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.Sprite;

class NumericBall2D extends Sprite{
	private var text_field : TextField;
	private static var LINE_SIZE : Float = 1.0;
	private static var LINE_COLOR : Int = 0x000000;
	private static var FILL_COLOR : Int = 0x11FF33;
	private static var CIRCLE_X : Int = 0;
	private static var CIRCLE_Y : Int = 0;
	public function new(size : Float = 25){
		graphics.lineStyle(LINE_SIZE, LINE_COLOR);
	  graphics.drawCircle(CIRCLE_X, CIRCLE_Y, size);

	  text_field = new TextField();

	public function setText(text : String){
		text_field.text = text;
	  text_field.x = this.x - 12;
	  text_field.y = this.y - 40;

class Example_10_Sprite2D{

    private var numericBall2D : NumericBall2D;
    private var tween : Tween;
		private static var MIN_Y : Int = 100;
		private static var MAX_Y : Int = 300;
		private static var EFFECT_DURATION : Int = 5000;

    public function new(?x : Float){
        numericBall2D = new NumericBall2D();
        numericBall2D.x = x;

        tween = new Tween(MIN_Y, MAX_Y, EFFECT_DURATION, Elastic.easeOut );
        tween.setTweenHandlers(moveY, msgFinished );
        trace ( 'tween staring at position: ' + MIN_Y);

    function moveY( position : Float ){
        numericBall2D.y = position;

    function msgFinished( position : Float ){
        trace ( 'tween finished at position: ' + position );



 * @author: Alejandro G. Carlstein R. M.
 * @description:

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import flash.Lib;

class Example_10{

  static function main(){
		var happy = new Example_10_Sprite2D(100);


If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

© 2010 – 2011, Alejandro G. Carlstein Ramos Mejia. All rights reserved.


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