Example of Huffman algorithm by using heap.
NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.
/* * Program: Huffman using heap * Author: Alejandro G. Carlstein */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #define MAX_CODE 1000000 #define MAX_LETTERS 4 #define MAX_HEAP 10 #define LEFT(i) ((i << 1) + 1) #define RIGHT(i) ((i << 1) + 2) #define PARENT(i) (((i + 1) >> 1) - 1) #define DIV_BY_2(i) (i >> 1) #define DBG_LV0 1 #define DBG_LV1 1 #define DBG_LV2 1 #define DBG_LV3 0 #define LETTER_A 65 #define DIR_LEFT '0' #define DIR_RIGHT '1' #define ROOT_INDEX 0 struct Data{ int letter; int frequency; int left; int right; int parent; }Data; struct Data data[MAX_LETTERS]; int code[MAX_CODE][MAX_LETTERS]; int heap[MAX_HEAP]; void readInputLetters(void); void readInputCode(void); void printCodes(int *codes, int numCodes); void printStructArray(struct Data array[], int length); int huffman(void); void buildMinHeap(int array[], int heapSize); void minHeapify(int array[], int index, int heapSize); int heapMin(int array[]); int heapExtractMin(int array[], int *length); void insertMinHeap(int array[], int value, int *length); void exchange(int *a, int *b); void printArray(int array[], int length); int isLeft(struct Data array[], int indexLeft, int indexRight); void test1(); void test2(); int num_letters; int numCodes = 0; int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ readInputLetters(); readInputCode(); if (DBG_LV3) printStructArray(data, num_letters); int i; for (i = 0; i < num_letters; ++i) heap[i] = i; printf('ROOT(huffman): %d \n', huffman()); if (DBG_LV1) printStructArray(data, num_letters); //decodeMessage(data, num_letters, &code[0][0], numCodes); if (DBG_LV2) printf('\n'); return 0; } void readInputLetters(void){ if (DBG_LV0) printf('\nreadInputLetters()\n'); for (num_letters = 0; num_letters < MAX_LETTERS; ++num_letters){ scanf('%d', &data[num_letters].frequency); data[num_letters].letter = LETTER_A + num_letters; data[num_letters].left = -1; data[num_letters].right = -1; data[num_letters].parent = -1; heap[num_letters] = -1; } } void readInputCode(void){ if (DBG_LV0) printf('\nreadInputCode()\n'); int c; int indexCode = 0; numCodes = 0; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF){ if (c != ' ' && c != '\n'){ if (DBG_LV3) printf('[%d][%d]%c{%d}\n', numCodes, indexCode, c, c); code[numCodes][indexCode] = (int)c; ++indexCode; } if (c == '\n'){ code[numCodes][indexCode] = -1; if (DBG_LV3) printf('{{%d}}\n', code[numCodes][indexCode]); ++numCodes; indexCode = 0; } } if (DBG_LV3){ printf('CODES: \n'); printCodes(&code[0][0], numCodes); } } void printCodes(int *codes, int numCodes){ if (DBG_LV2) printf('printCodes(numCodes: %d)\n', numCodes); int indexCode, index; int indexArray; for (indexCode = 0; indexCode < numCodes; ++indexCode){ indexArray = indexCode * sizeof(int); for (index = 0; codes[indexArray + index] > -1 ; ++index){ printf('[%d][%d]: %c(%d) \n', indexArray, index, codes[indexArray + index], codes[indexArray + index]); } printf('\n'); } } void printStructArray(struct Data array[], int length){ if (DBG_LV0) printf('printStructArray()\n'); int i; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) printf('[%d]%c - %d (L:%d, R:%d, P:%d) \n', i, data[i].letter, data[i].frequency, data[i].left, data[i].right, data[i].parent); } int huffman(void){ if (DBG_LV0) printf('\nHUFFMAN()\n'); int length = num_letters; int i; int left; int right; int parent; int n = length; length++; printf('length: %d\n\n', length); if (DBG_LV1) printArray(heap, num_letters); for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i){ left = heapExtractMin(heap, &length); printf('length: %d\n\n', length); right = heapExtractMin(heap, &length); parent = left + right; data[left].parent = parent; data[right].parent = parent; printf('length: %d\n\n', length); if (DBG_LV2){ printf('left: %d, ', left); printf('right: %d, ', right); printf('parent: %d\n', parent); printArray(heap, length); } insertMinHeap(heap, parent, &length); printf('length: %d\n\n', length); //--*length; } if (DBG_LV1) printArray(heap, num_letters); return heapExtractMin(heap, &length); } void buildMinHeap(int array[], int heapSize){ int index; for (index = DIV_BY_2(heapSize); index >= ROOT_INDEX; --index){ minHeapify(array, index, heapSize); } } void minHeapify(int array[], int index, int heapSize){ int left, right, smallest; smallest = index; left = LEFT(index); right = RIGHT(index); // Find smallest value if (left < heapSize && array[left] < array[index]) smallest = left; if (right < heapSize && array[right] < array[smallest]) smallest = right; if (smallest != index){ // Exchange exchange(&array[index], &array[smallest]); // Rebuild heap region minHeapify(array, smallest, heapSize); } } int heapMin(int array[]){ return array[ROOT_INDEX]; } int heapExtractMin(int array[], int *length){ if (DBG_LV0) printf('heapExtractMin()\n'); if (length < 0){ printf('[X] Error: heap overflow!\n'); return -1; } --*length; int heapSize = *length; int min = array[ROOT_INDEX]; --heapSize; printf('exchange: array[%d]: %d, array[%d]:%d \n', ROOT_INDEX, array[ROOT_INDEX], heapSize, array[heapSize]); exchange(&array[ROOT_INDEX], &array[heapSize]); --heapSize; minHeapify(array, ROOT_INDEX, heapSize); return min; } void insertMinHeap(int array[], int value, int *length){ if (DBG_LV0) printf('insertMinHeap(value: %d, length: %d)\n', value, *length); int heapSize = *length; ++*length; array[heapSize] = INT_MAX; if (value > array[heapSize]){ printf('[X] Error: new value is bigger than biggest element!\n'); }else{ array[heapSize] = value; if (DBG_LV2) printArray(array, *length); while (heapSize > ROOT_INDEX && array[PARENT(heapSize)] > array[heapSize]){ exchange(&array[heapSize], &array[PARENT(heapSize)]); heapSize = PARENT(heapSize); } } } void exchange(int *a, int *b){ if (DBG_LV3) printf('exchange()\n'); int temp; temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; } void printArray(int array[], int length){ if (DBG_LV0) printf('printArray()\n'); int i; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) printf('[%d]', i); printf('\n'); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) printf(' %d ', array[i]); if (DBG_LV1) printf('\n\n'); } int isLeft(struct Data array[], int indexLeft, int indexRight){ if (DBG_LV0) printf('isLeft()\n'); if (array[indexLeft].frequency == array[indexRight].frequency){ if (array[indexLeft].letter < array[indexRight].letter){ return DIR_LEFT; }else{ return DIR_RIGHT; } }else if (array[indexLeft].frequency < array[indexRight].frequency){ return DIR_LEFT; }else{ return DIR_RIGHT; } } void test1(){ if (DBG_LV1) printf('test1()\n'); int i, length = 5; if(DBG_LV1) printf('BUILD HEAP ARRAY:\n'); for(i = 0; i < length; ++i){ heap[i] = i * 2; printf('heap[%d]: %d \n', i, heap[i]); } heap[4] = 1; buildMinHeap(heap, length); printArray(heap, length); insertMinHeap(heap, 3, &length); printArray(heap, length); } void test2(){ int heapLen = num_letters; printf('heapLen: %d\n', heapLen); printArray(heap, heapLen); int result1, result2; printf('TEST HEAPEXTRACTMIN:\n'); result1 = heapExtractMin(heap, &heapLen); printf('result1: %d\n', result1); printArray(heap, heapLen); printf('heapLen: %d\n', heapLen); result2 = heapExtractMin(heap, &heapLen); printf('result2: %d\n', result2); printArray(heap, heapLen); printf('heapLen: %d\n', heapLen); }
1 2 3 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
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