In standard ANSI C, if we wish to have two functions with the same name but different number of parameters or type of parameters (called overloading), we can’t. It is not allowed.
In the other hand, in C++, we can overload functions. Overloading a function means that we can have two or more functions sharing the same function name but with different type or different number of parameters:
int print_something(void){ ... } int print_something(char a){ ... } int print_something(int a){ ... } int print_something(char a, int b){ ... }
Even do all these functions share the same name, they are different; so, how does your compiler keep track of which is which? By using a method called mangling algorithm, unique names are generated as identifiers for each of these functions.
First, lets say that we have a file with some functions such as:
#include <stdio.h> int foo(double d_number); int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ double d_value = 4.5f; printf('For value %f, we get the number %d\n', d_value, foo(d_value)); return 0; } int foo(double d_number){ return (int) d_number; }
This would show the follow:
For value 4.500000, we get the number 4
If we compile the file with gcc for example: gcc -c main.c. This will generate a file name main.o
Then we can analyse this file and see how the table is created in C for this particular function.
Type nm file.o and you will obtain something like this:
0000003f T foo 00000000 T main U printf
Notice the table only indicate the name of foo but doesn’t indicate any parameters types
What would append if we compile the same program using g++ instead?
A table would be build by the C++ compiler (in this case we are talking about g++) that would look like the follows:
0000003e T _Z3food U __gxx_personality_v0 00000000 T main U printf
Look the information _Z3food, the last character ‘d’ indicate that the parameter is a double
Lets say we modified main.c to main.cpp and we create another function with the same name but different parameters:
#include <stdio.h> int foo(double d_number); int foo(char d_character, int i_number); int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ double d_value = 4.5f; printf('For value %f, we get the number %d\n', d_value, foo(d_value)); return 0; } int foo(double d_number){ return (int) d_number; } int foo(char d_character, int i_number){ return (int) d_character + i_number; }
If we print the table using nm main.o we obtain:
0000006e T _Z3fooci 0000003e T _Z3food U __gxx_personality_v0 00000000 T main U printf
If you notice, _Z3fooci has the last two character a ‘c’ for char and an ‘i’ for integer while _Z3food has the last character ‘d’ for double.
If we try to compile this code having both functions with the same name using gcc: gcc -g main.cpp, we would obtain an error in compilation:
/tmp/ccU0T0Co.o.eh_frame+0x12): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Using extern “C”, we can tell g++ which part of the code we wish to compile as regular C.
Let say we have to following code:
#include <stdio.h> int foo(double d_number); extern 'C'{ int foo(char d_character, int i_number); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ double d_value = 4.5f; printf('For value %f, we get the number %d\n', d_value, foo(d_value)); return 0; } int foo(double d_number){ return (int) d_number; } extern 'C'{ int foo(char d_character, int i_number){ return (int) d_character + i_number; } }
This would compile with gcc -g main.cpp without problems. If we execute g++ -c main.cpp to create the object main.o and later executed nm main.o we obtain:
0000003e T _Z3food U __gxx_personality_v0 0000006e T foo 00000000 T main U printf
Notice that _Z3food was compiled as C++ while T foo indicate that that function was compiled as standard C.
© 2010, Alejandro G. Carlstein Ramos Mejia. All rights reserved.