I created this sculpture while I was student of Ronald Gonzales at Binghamton University (http://ronaldgonzalez.com).
Thanks for him and his class, I discover my passion of doing sculptures as a hobby.

More than Skin

We have to ability to see the fines discernment, distinctions. We have the power to impose judgment to others. In order to be different, we discriminate. We search for any excuses. We are very creative in finding reasons to discriminate others. We failed to see is what is behind the superficial.

Between the most finest human creations, we have responsible to create the following ways to discriminate: We discriminate middle-aged and elderly people for being old when we will older sooner or later. We abuse people who are overweight when we perhaps are anorexic.  We abuse members of another race and after we take vacations in their countries. We show favoritism to relatives or close friends by giving them jobs and then comply when someone else not qualified get the job we wish obtain. Sexism, the opposite sex is always inferior to our sex. We discriminate homosexuals, when we perhaps like the same sex but we don’t want to recognize it. We go out, blinded in our egos,  treating a person or group with different religious beliefs than ours, when we may change of religions in the future. The list can go on and on; however, human beings are more complex than that.

This sculpture is made of plaster. The main colors are black and white. Inspired by the comic “Sin City” by Frank Miller, the eyes and tongue were colored. Starting from a view in which the skull is seems. A person can go around and start discovering sections being added. First, the person will discover an eye, then the muscles, and finally the skin. The black base is used to move the eyes of the spectator to the midpoint of the sculpture, regardless the angles it being see.

The thing that may be seem has an imperfection, as difference, is indeed the essence of beauty and originality of this world. These imperfections prevent us to be just one cheap copy of each other. These differences provide us variety to our life. As the title imply, there is more than skin. There is more than the eye can see.

Alejandro G. Carlstein Ramos Mejia

More than Skin - front view
More than Skin - front view
More than Skin - Front view - Eye close view
More than Skin - Front view - Eye close view
More than Skin - Side view
More than Skin - Side view
More than Skin - Back view
More than Skin - Back view
More than Skin - Back view - Close view muscles and skin
More than Skin - Back view - Muscle and skin close view
More than Skin - Back view - Mouth close view
More than Skin - Back view - Mouth close view

© 2010, Alejandro G. Carlstein Ramos Mejia. All rights reserved.


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