Simple Tree in VC++

Simple Tree in Visual C++

This code was compiled and tested on a Windows.

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.


#include 'standard.h'
#include 'tree.h'

using namespace std;

//Print the divider to the specified file
void PrintDivider ( ofstream& fout,
				    char symbol,
					int numOfSymbols,
					int section );

//Print the count to the specified file
void PrintCount ( ofstream& fout,
				  int count );

int main(void)
	//declare the files
	ifstream fin;
	ofstream fout;

	//Set the task number to -1
	int section = -1;

	//Open the files'tree.txt');'treeOut.txt');

	//Create an instance of the class
	TreeClass tree;

	//Declare variables
	int numOfNodesInTree;

	//print empty tree message
	tree.PrintTree ( fout );
	PrintDivider ( fout,

	//Insert values from the input file
	tree.CreateATree ( fin );

	//Print the tree nodes on one line
	tree.PrintTree ( fout );
	PrintDivider ( fout,

	//Calculate the number of nodes in the tree
	numOfNodesInTree = tree.CountNodesInTree();

	//Print the count
	PrintCount ( fout,
		         numOfNodesInTree );
	fout << endl;

	//Close the files

	return 0;

//Print the divider to the specified file
void PrintDivider ( ofstream& fout,
				    char symbol,
					int numOfSymbols,
					int section )
	fout << endl << endl;
	fout << '#' << setw(2)<< section << BLANK;
	fout.fill( symbol );
	fout << setw( numOfSymbols ) << BLANK;
	fout << endl;
	fout.fill( BLANK );
	fout << setw(3)<<BLANK;


//Print the count to the specified file
void PrintCount ( ofstream& fout,
				  int count )
	fout << ' Number of Nodes currently in the tree are: '
		 << count << endl;



#ifndef standard_h

#define standard_h

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

const char BLANK = ' ';



#ifndef tree_h

#define tree_h

#include 'standard.h'

struct nodeType


	int value;


struct treeType


	nodeType  data;

    treeType* left;

	treeType* right;


typedef treeType* treePtr;

class TreeClass



		treePtr root;

		//Insert the node in ascending order

		void InsertNode ( treePtr& ptr,

		                  nodeType aNode );

		//Create memory, insert data into a tree node

		treePtr GetANode ( nodeType ANode );

		//Delete a leaf node from a tree, free the memory

		void DeleteLeaf( treePtr location, 

					     treePtr& parent );

		//Delete a node with one left child only

		void DeleteLeft ( treePtr location,

					      treePtr& parent );

		//Delete a node with one right child only

		void DeleteRight ( treePtr location,

						   treePtr& parent );

		//Delete a node that has two children

		void DeleteTwoChildren( treePtr& location );

		//Called recursively to visit each node in the tree InOrder

		void InOrder ( ofstream& fout,

			           treePtr ptr );

		//Called recursively to visit each node in the tree PreOrder

		void PreOrder ( ofstream& fout,

			            treePtr ptr );

		//Called recursively to visit each node in the tree PostOrder

		void PostOrder ( ofstream& fout,

			             treePtr ptr );

		//Count the nodes in the tree

		void CountNodes ( treePtr ptr,

			              int& count );



		TreeClass( void );

		//Create a tree from an input file

		void CreateATree ( ifstream& fin );

		//Return a bool based on value of root

		bool EmptyTree() const;

		//Print Tree content to an output file

		void PrintTree ( ofstream& fout );

		//Count the nodes in a tree

		int CountNodesInTree ( void );

		//Delete a node in the tree, return success of delete

		bool Delete ( int num );

		//Insert a node in Order in a tree

		void Insert ( nodeType node );

		//Print tree in PreOrder

		void PrintPreOrder ( ofstream& fout );

		//Print tree in PostOrder

		void PrintPostOrder ( ofstream& fout );

		//Search the tree for a num, return the node, the parent and a flag

		void Search ( treePtr& ptr,

			          treePtr& parent,

					  int num,

					  bool& success );

		//The destructor, free the memory

		~TreeClass ( void );




#include 'tree.h'
///Add your methods HERE

///Private Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------///

//Insert the node in ascending order
void TreeClass::InsertNode ( treePtr& ptr,
				             nodeType aNode )
	//if this is the first node
	if ( ptr == NULL )

		ptr = GetANode ( aNode );

	//is the value less than current ptr value, insert to the left
	else if ( aNode.value < ptr->data.value )
		InsertNode ( ptr->left, aNode );
	//if the value greater than the current ptr value,insert to the right
		InsertNode ( ptr->right, aNode );

//Create memory, insert data into a tree node
treePtr TreeClass::GetANode ( nodeType aNode )
	treePtr ptr;

	//Create a new tree node
	ptr = new treeType;

	//Put the data into the tree node
	ptr->data = aNode;

	//Set the pointers of this new leaf node
	ptr->left = NULL;
	ptr->right = NULL;

	return ptr;

//Delete a leaf node from a tree, free the memory
void TreeClass:GrineleteLeaf( treePtr location,
						    treePtr& parent )
	//Check to see if it is the root
    if ( parent == NULL )
		root = NULL;
	else if (parent->right == location)
		//right child, sever connection
		parent->right = NULL;
		//left child, sever connection
        parent->left = NULL;

	//free the memory
	delete location;

//Delete a node with one left child only
void TreeClass:GrineleteLeft ( treePtr location,
						     treePtr& parent )
	//Check to see if it is the root
	if ( parent == NULL )
		//Make left child the root
		root = location->left;
	else if ( parent->left == location )
		//left child, re-connect to it's left
		parent->left = location->left;
		//right child, re-connect to it's right
		parent->right = location->left;

	//Set left pointer to NULL
	location->left = NULL;

	//Free the memory
	delete location;

//Delete a node with one right child only
void TreeClass:GrineleteRight( treePtr location,
						     treePtr& parent )
	//Check to see if it is the root
	if ( parent == NULL )
		//Set root to the right child
		root = location->right;
	else if ( parent->right == location )
		//right child, re-connect right
		parent->right = location->right;
		//left child, re-connect left
		parent->left = location->right;

	//Set right pointer to NULL
	location->right = NULL;

	//Free the memory
	delete location;

//Delete a node that has two children
void TreeClass:GrineleteTwoChildren( treePtr& location )

	treePtr place;
	treePtr walker;

	//Go left once
	place = location->left;

	//Check right, if NULL stop
	if ( place->right == NULL )
	{// found a place
		//move the data into location
		location->data = place->data;

		//Set the pointer of location left to place's left
		location->left = place->left;

	}// found a place

	{// walk through tree
			// find node without right child
			walker = place;

			//Keep going right
			place = place->right;
		}while ( place->right!=NULL );

		//move the data into location
		location->data = place->data;

		//connect left child of place to right of walker
		walker->right = place->left;

	}// walk through tree

	//set place's pointer to NULL
	place->left = NULL;

	//Free the memory
	delete place;

//Called recursively to visit each node in the tree InOrder
void TreeClass::InOrder( ofstream& fout,
					     treePtr ptr )
	//There is still a node in the tree
	if ( ptr != NULL )
		//Go left
		InOrder( fout,
		         ptr->left );

		//Print this node
		fout << setw(3) << ptr->data.value;

		//Go right
		InOrder( fout,
		         ptr->right );

//Called recursively to visit each node in the tree PreOrder
void TreeClass:RazzreOrder ( ofstream& fout,
						   treePtr ptr )
	//There is still a node in the tree
	if ( ptr != NULL )
		//Print this node
		fout << setw(3) << ptr->data.value;

		//Go left
		PreOrder( fout,
		          ptr->left );

		//Go right
		PreOrder( fout,
		          ptr->right );


//Called recursively to visit each node in the tree PostOrder
void TreeClass:RazzostOrder ( ofstream& fout,
						    treePtr ptr )
	//There is still a node in the tree
	if ( ptr != NULL )
		//Go left
		PostOrder( fout,
		           ptr->left );

		//Go right
		PostOrder( fout,
		           ptr->right );

		//Print the node
		fout << setw(3) << ptr->data.value;

//Count the nodes in the tree
void TreeClass::CountNodes ( treePtr ptr,
						     int& count )
	//There is still a node in the tree
	if ( ptr !=NULL )
		//Increment the count

		//Go left
		CountNodes ( ptr->left,
			         count );

		//Go right
		CountNodes ( ptr->right,
			         count );
///Public Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------///
	root = NULL;

//Create a tree from an input file
void TreeClass::CreateATree ( ifstream& fin )
	nodeType node;

	//while there is data in the input file
	while ( !fin.eof() )
		//read a value
		fin >> node.value;

		//Insert the value into the tree
		Insert( node );

//Return a bool based on value of root
bool TreeClass::EmptyTree() const
	return ( root == NULL );

//Print Tree content to an output file
void TreeClass:RazzrintTree ( ofstream& fout)

	//Set a node to the root
	treePtr ptr = root;

	//if null, tree is empty
	if (ptr == NULL)
		fout<< 'Tree is empty' << endl;
		//Call Inorder Print of tree
		InOrder ( fout,
	              ptr );


//Count the nodes in a tree
int TreeClass::CountNodesInTree ( void )
	//Set a pointer to the root
	treePtr ptr = root;

	//Initialize the count
	int count = 0;

	//Call the recursive method to count the nodes in the tree
	CountNodes ( ptr,
		         count );

	return count;

//Delete a node in the tree, return success of delete
bool TreeClass:Grinelete ( int num )
	//Set a pointer to the root
	treePtr ptr = root;

	//Parent of root is null
	treePtr parent = NULL;

	bool success ;

	//Call recursive search method
	Search ( ptr,
			 success );

	//If it was successful, node was found
	if ( success )
		//Is it a leaf node?
		if ( ptr->left == NULL && ptr->right == NULL )
			//Delete the leaf
			DeleteLeaf ( ptr,
				         parent );
		//This is a node with only a left child
		else if ( ptr->left !=NULL && ptr->right == NULL )
			//Delete a node with a left child
			DeleteLeft ( ptr,
				         parent );
		//This is a node with a right child
		else if ( ptr->left == NULL && ptr->right != NULL )
			//Delete a node with a right child
			DeleteRight ( ptr,
				          parent );
		//it must be a node with two children
			//Delete a node with two children
			DeleteTwoChildren ( ptr );

	return success;

//Insert a node in Order in a tree
void TreeClass::Insert ( nodeType node )
	//Set a pointer to the root
	treePtr ptr = root;

	//Call the recursive method to insert a node
	InsertNode ( ptr,
		         node );

	//if this is the first node,set the root to the new node
	if ( EmptyTree())
		root = ptr;

//Print tree in PreOrder
void TreeClass:RazzrintPreOrder ( ofstream& fout )
	//Call the recursive method for PreOrder
	PreOrder ( fout,
		       root );

//Print tree in PostOrder
void TreeClass:RazzrintPostOrder ( ofstream& fout )
	//Call the recursive method for PostOrder
	PostOrder ( fout,
		        root );

//Search the tree for a num, return the node, the parent and a flag
void TreeClass::Search ( treePtr& ptr,
						 treePtr& parent,
						 int num,
						 bool& success )
	//Node was not found yet
	success = false;

	//while there are still nodes to search and node value was not found
	while ( ptr !=NULL && !success )
		//If the node value in the tree is the value you are searching for
		if ( ptr->data.value == num )
			//you found it
			success = true;
		//if the node value in the tree is less than the value you are searching for
		else if ( num < ptr->data.value )
			//Set the parent to the current ptr in the tree
			parent = ptr;

			//Move to the left
			ptr = ptr->left;
			//Set the parent to the current ptr in the tree
			parent = ptr;

			//Move to the right
			ptr = ptr->right;

//The destructor, free the memory
TreeClass::~TreeClass ( void )
	//while the tree is not empty
	while ( !EmptyTree())
		//Delete the node at the root
		Delete ( root->data.value );



If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

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Example of Linked List as Template

Example of Linked List as Template.

This code was compiled and tested on a Linux machine

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.

#ifndef LIST_CC
#define LIST_CC

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class Node {


		// Create a linked list node by setting its data to the input parameter
		// and the next node in the linked list to NULL (0)
		Node(const T& data_input);

		//The default constructor doesn't initialize the data members

		//The default destructor doesn't initialize the data members

		// Contains the data of the linked list node
		T data;	

		// Contains a pointer to the next item in the linked list
		Node<T> *next;

		// Contains a pointer to the previous item in the linked list
		Node<T> *previous;


template <typename T>
class List {

		// Contains a pointer to the first node in the
		// linked list (the head of the list)
		Node<T> *head;	

		// Contains a pointer to the last node in the
		// linked list (the head of the list)
		Node<T> *tail;

		int num_elements;


		// Create a Linked list by initializing it's head to NULL (0)

		List(const List<T>& list);

		// Delete all the elements in the linked list when the list is deleted

		bool isempty() const;

		// Takes an item as a parameter, appends that item to
		// the front of the list, and returns the list
		List<T> *addtofront(const T& data_input);

		// Takes an item as a parameter, appends that item to
		// the back of the list, and returns the list
		List<T> *addtoback(const T& data_input);

		// Returns a pointer to a copy of the first item in the list,
		// leaving it in the list
		Node<T> *getfirst() const;

		int size() const;

		// Takes no parameters, and returns a list containing
		// all but the first element of the list
		List<T> *getrest() const;

		// Print all the elements in the linked list
		void show();


// -------------------------------------
// ------------Node class---------------
// -------------------------------------

// Create a linked list node by setting its data to the input parameter
// and the next node in the linked list to NULL (0)
template <typename T>
Node<T>::Node(const T& data_input) {

   data = data_input;

    next = NULL;

    previous = NULL;


// Default constructor leaves data items unspecified
template <typename T>
Node<T>::Node() {

    next = NULL;

    previous = NULL;

// Default constructor leaves data items unspecified
template <typename T>
Node<T>::~Node() {

// -------------------------------------
// ------------List class---------------
// -------------------------------------

// Default constructor creates an empty list
template <typename T>
List<T>::List(void) {

    head = NULL;

	tail = NULL;

    num_elements = 0;


template <typename T>
List<T>::List(const List<T>& list){

    if ( list.head != NULL ){

		Node<T> *current_node = list.head;

		while (current_node != NULL){


			current_node = current_node->next;


// Delete all the elements in the linked list when the list is deleted
template <typename T>
List<T>::~List(void) {

   Node<T> *next_node;

    Node<T> *current_node = head;

    while (current_node != NULL) {

       	next_node = current_node->next;


        current_node = next_node;



template <typename T>
bool List<T>::isempty() const{
	return((num_elements < 1));

template <typename T>
int List<T>::size() const{
	return num_elements;

// Takes an item as a parameter, appends that item to
// the front of the list, and returns the list
template <typename T>
List<T> *List<T>::addtofront(const T& data_input){

    Node<T> *new_node;

    new_node = new Node<T>;

    new_node->data = data_input;

	// If list_head == 0 then assign new_node as the list_head
	// else point new_node->next to list_head. After make that
	// new node the list_head
    if (head == NULL) {

        head = new_node;

        tail = new_node;

    } else {

        new_node->next = head;

        head = new_node;	



	return (this);

// Takes an item as a parameter, appends that item to
// the back of the list, and returns the list
template <typename T>
List<T> *List<T>::addtoback(const T& data_input){

    Node<T> *new_node;

    new_node = new Node<T>;

    new_node->data = data_input;

    if (tail == NULL) {

        tail = new_node;

	    if (head == NULL) {

	        head = new_node;

	    } else {

	        new_node->next = head;

	        head = new_node;	


    } else {

		tail->next = new_node;

		new_node->previous = tail;

		tail = new_node;




	return (this);

// Returns a pointer to a copy of the first item in the list,
// leaving it in the list
template <typename T>
Node<T> *List<T>::getfirst() const{
	return (new Node<T>(head->data));

// Takes no parameters, and returns a list containing
// all but the first element of the list
template <typename T>
List<T> *List<T>::getrest() const{

	List<T> *rlist = new List<T>();

	Node<T> *current_node;

	if (head->next != NULL){

		current_node = head->next;

		while (current_node != NULL){


			current_node = current_node->next;

	return (rlist);

// Print all the elements in the linked list
template <typename T>
void List<T>::show() {

    cout << 'List of ' << num_elements << ' elements: ' ;

    Node<T> *current_node = head;

    while (current_node != NULL) {

        cout << current_node->data << ' ';

        current_node = current_node->next;


    cout << endl;



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include ''

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
List<T> *reverse(List<T>& list);

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

	List<string> my_list;

	List<string> *my_list_2;

	cout << endl << 'BUILD ORIGINAL---------------------------' << endl;


	cout << endl << 'REVERSE ORIGINAL---------------------------' << endl;

	my_list_2 = reverse<string>(my_list);

	cout << endl << 'New: ';


	delete my_list_2;

	return 0;

// Write a templated reverse() function
// (not a member function of your class, but instead
// a standalone templated function)
// that operates on a doubly linked list object
// (that you implemented for Part 1).
// Your reverse function should take as input a
// doubly linked list object,
// and return a copy of the list,
// but in reverse order. 

// Your function must be recursive,
// and must use the four functions above.

// A reversed list can be built by taking an element off one side,
// reversing the list without that element in it,
// and then putting that element back into the list,
// on the other side.... use that reasoning to design your recursive
// reverse function. 

template <typename T>
List<T> *reverse(List<T>& list){		

	if (list.size() < 1){

		List<T> *rlist = new List<T>;

		return (rlist);


		Node<T> *node;

		List<T> *rlist = new List<T>;

		node = list.getfirst();

		rlist = list.getrest();

		rlist = reverse<T>(*rlist);


		delete (node);

		return (rlist);


If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

Leave a comment

Example of Linked List

Example of Linked List

This code was compiled and tested on a Linux machine

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#ifndef LIST
#define LIST

typedef int ElementType;

class Node {

   // Create a linked list node by setting its data to the input parameter
   // and the next node in the linked list to NULL (0)
   Node(ElementType data_input);

   //The default constructor doesn't initialize the data members

   // Contains the data of the linked list node
   ElementType data;	

   // Contains a pointer to the next item in the linked list
   Node *next;

class List

      // List class's private data member:
      Node *list_head;	// Contains a pointer to the first node in the
                        // linked list (the head of the list)

      int num_elements;

      // takes out the node with the smallest data member from this list,
      // and returns a pointer to it.
      Node *extractLargest(); 

      // Create a Linked list by initializing it's head to NULL (0)

      // Delete all the elements in the linked list when the list is deleted

      // Add a single element to the head of the linked list
      void insert(ElementType data_input);

      // Remove a single element from the head of the linked list
      void remove();	

      // Print all the elements in the linked list
      void show();

      // This function splits the list in half, adding the those half of
      // the elements with the largest values into a new linked list, and
      // keeping only those half of the elements with the smallest values
      // in the list on which this function is called. The function
      // returns a pointer to the new (heap allocated) list with the 
      // larger elements in it. If the original list contains an odd 
      // number of elements, then the returned list contains one
      // fewer element than the list on which this function is called.
      // If the original list is empty, the function returns a pointer
      // to a new empty List (not a NULL pointer).
      List *splitBigSmall();

      // This function splits the list in two, adding the the elements
      // with odd integer values into a new linked list, and keeping only
      // those elements with even integer values in the list on which
      // this function is called. The function returns a pointer to
      // the new (heap allocated) list with the odd elements in it. If the
      // original list is empty, or if there are no odd elements, the
      // function returns a pointer to a new empty List (not a NULL
      // pointer). 
      List *splitOddEven();



#include 'List.h'

#include <string>

using namespace std;

// -------------------------------------
// ------------Node class---------------
// -------------------------------------

// Create a linked list node by setting its data to the input parameter
// and the next node in the linked list to NULL (0)
Node::Node(ElementType data_input) {

    data = data_input;

    next = 0;


// Default constructor leaves data items unspecified
Node::Node() {

// -------------------------------------
// ------------List class---------------
// -------------------------------------

// Default constructor creates an empty list
List::List() {

    list_head = NULL;

    num_elements = 0;


// Delete all the elements in the linked list when the list is deleted
List::~List() {

    Node *next_node;

    Node *current_node = list_head;

    while (current_node != NULL) {

        next_node = current_node->next;


        current_node = next_node;



// Add a single element to the head of the linked list
void List::insert(ElementType data_input) {

    Node *new_node = new Node(data_input);

	// If list_head == 0 then assign new_node as the list_head
	// else point new_node->next to list_head. After make that 
	// new node the list_head
    if (list_head == 0) {

        list_head = new_node;

    } else {

        new_node->next = list_head;

        list_head = new_node;	




// Remove a single element from the head of the linked list
void List::remove() {

    if (list_head == NULL)

	// Make new_head the node that is pointed by list_head->next
    Node *new_head = list_head->next;

	// Delete the node list_head 

    //Make the new_head, the new list_head
    list_head = new_head;



// Print all the elements in the linked list
void List::show()

    cout << 'List of ' << num_elements << ' elements: ' ;

    Node *current_node = list_head;

    while (current_node != NULL) {

        cout << current_node->data << ' ';

        current_node = current_node->next;


    cout << endl;

// splitOddEven()
List *List::splitOddEven()

	List *rlist = new List();

	if (num_elements > 0){

		Node *current_node = list_head;

		while (current_node != NULL){

			if (current_node->data % 2 == 1){


				if (current_node == list_head){

					current_node = list_head->next;


					current_node = current_node->next;


					Node* previous_node = list_head;

					while (previous_node->next != current_node){
						previous_node = previous_node->next;

					previous_node->next = current_node->next;

					// Delete the node list_head 
					Node *temp = current_node;
					current_node = current_node->next;




				current_node = current_node->next;



// extractLargest()
Node *List::extractLargest()

	Node *current_node = list_head;

	Node *largest_node = list_head;

	if (list_head != NULL){

		// Search Largest
		while(current_node != NULL ){

			if (largest_node->data < current_node->data){
				largest_node = current_node;

			current_node = current_node->next;

		current_node = largest_node;

		if (current_node == list_head){

			current_node = list_head->next;

			current_node = list_head;

			list_head = list_head->next;


			Node* previous_node = list_head;

			while (previous_node->next != current_node){
				previous_node = previous_node->next;

			previous_node->next = current_node->next;




	return (largest_node); 

// splitBigSmall()
List *List::splitBigSmall()
	List *rlist = new List();

	int numExtract;

	numExtract = num_elements / 2;

	if (num_elements > 0){

		Node *current_node = list_head;	

		//	2a. If original list have odd number of elements	
		//		then return list with larger elements in it, 
		//		should contain  one fewer element than 
		//		the list obj which this function is called.
		// 		This is already done by the division

		for (int i = 0; i < numExtract; i++){

			current_node = extractLargest();

			if (current_node != NULL)

			//delete (current_node);



If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

Leave a comment

Count all Alphabetics Characters Existent in the String

Process input file by Count all alphabetic characters existent in the string.

I would advice to compile them in Linux as I did.

NOTIFICATION: These examples are provided for educational purposes. Using this code is under your own responsibility and risk. The code is given ‘as is’. I do not take responsibilities of how they are used.



#include <iostream>		// for cout

#include <fstream>		// for ifstream, ofstream

#include <string>       // for String
#include <cctype>       // for classify and transform individual characters

using namespace std;

 * author: Alejandro G. Carlstein
 * Class: StreamOperation
 * Description: This class will read a textfile and produce an output
 *				in another text file. The other text file will contain
 * 				a copy of the input file but all blank lines will be
 *				removed, the lines are going to be numbered, all
 *              semicolons will be replaces with the string 'SEMI-COLON',
 *				print the number of lines removed at the second to last
 *              line, and finally print the number of alphabetic characters
class StreamOperation {


	bool doRemoveBlankLines;

	bool doReplaceAllStrings;

	bool doCountLines;	

	int numLinesRemoved;

	int numAlphaCharacters;

	string oldStr;

	string newStr;

	void replaceAll(string& str,
					string oldStr,
					string newStr);

	int countAlphaCharacters(string str);

	void copyStream(ifstream& fin,
			  		ofstream& fout);


	// Default constructor

	// * Get Methods *

	// Get the number of lines removed
	int getNumberLinesRemoved();

	// Get the number of alphabetic character
	int getNumberAlphaCharacters();

	// * Set Methods * 	

	// * Print Methods *

	// Print the number of blank lines removed
	void printNumberLinesRemoved(ofstream& output);		

	// Print the number of alphabetic characters
	void printNumberAlphaCharacters(ofstream& output);		

	// * Process Methods *

	// Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream
	void copy(ifstream& input,
			  ofstream& output);	

	// Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
    // This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
    // stream when copying.
	void copy(ifstream& input,
			  ofstream& output,
			  bool removeBlankLines);

	// Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
	// This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
 	// stream when copying.
	// This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
	void copy(ifstream& input,
			  ofstream& output,
			  bool removeBlankLines,
              bool numberLines);

	// Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
	// This method can replace all old strings for a new string
	// This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
 	// stream when copying.
	// This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
	void copy(ifstream& input,
			  ofstream& output,
              string oldString,
			  string newString,
			  bool removeBlankLines,
			  bool numberLines);

    // Default destructor



 * author: Alejandro G. Carlstein  
 * Class: StreamOperation
 * Description: This class will read a textfile and produce an output
 *		in another text file. The other text file will contain
 * 		a copy of the input file but all blank lines will be
 *		removed, the lines are going to be numbered, all
 *              semicolons will be replaces with the string 'SEMI-COLON',
 *		print the number of lines removed at the second to last
 *              line, and finally print the number of alphabetic characters

#include 'StreamOperation.h'

 * Public Methods

 * StreamOperation
 * @description: Default Constructor

	numLinesRemoved = 0;

	numAlphaCharacters = 0;

	doRemoveBlankLines = false;

	doReplaceAllStrings = false;

	doCountLines = false;

	oldStr = '';

	newStr = '';


// * Get Methods *

 * getNumberLinesRemoved
 * @description: Get the number of lines removed
 * @return: integer
int StreamOperation::getNumberLinesRemoved(){
	return numLinesRemoved;

 * getNumberAlphaCharacters
 * @description: Get the number of alphabetic character
 * @return: integer
int StreamOperation::getNumberAlphaCharacters(){
	return numAlphaCharacters;

// * Set Methods *

// * Print Methods *

// Print the number of blank lines removed
void StreamOperation:RazzrintNumberLinesRemoved(ofstream& output){
	if (output.is_open()){
		output << numLinesRemoved;
	} else {
			cerr << '[X] Error: Program cannot write file!' << endl
				 << 'Exit program!' << endl;

// Print the number of alphabetic characters
void StreamOperation:RazzrintNumberAlphaCharacters(ofstream& output){
	if (output.is_open()){
		output << numAlphaCharacters;
	} else {
			cerr << '[X] Error: Program cannot write file!' << endl
				 << 'Exit program!' << endl;

// * Process Methods *

 * copy
 * @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream
 * @param: input, output
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
						   ofstream& output){

	doRemoveBlankLines = false;

	doReplaceAllStrings = false;

	doCountLines = false;

	copyStream(input, output);


 * copy
 * @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
 *               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
 *				 stream when copying.
 * @param: input, output, removeBlankLines
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
						   ofstream& output,
						   bool removeBlankLines){

	doReplaceAllStrings = false;

	doCountLines = false;

	doRemoveBlankLines = removeBlankLines;

	copyStream(input, output);


 * copy
 * @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
 *               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
 *				 stream when copying.
 *               This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
 * @param: input, output, removeBlankLines, numberLines
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
						   ofstream& output,
						   bool removeBlankLines,
						   bool numberLines){

	doReplaceAllStrings = false;

	doCountLines = numberLines;

	doRemoveBlankLines = removeBlankLines;

	copyStream(input, output);


 * copy
 * @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
 *				 This method can replace all old strings for a new string
 *               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
 *				 stream when copying.
 *               This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
 * @param: input, output, oldstring, new string, removeBlankLines, numberLines
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
			  			   ofstream& output,
			               string oldString,
			 			   string newString,
			  			   bool removeBlankLines,
						   bool numberLines){

	doReplaceAllStrings = true;

	oldStr = oldString;

	newStr = newString;

	doCountLines = numberLines;

	doRemoveBlankLines = removeBlankLines;

	copyStream(input, output);


 * StreamOperation
 * @description: Default Destructor

 * Private Methods

 * replaceAll
 * @description: This method will remove all substrings for a new substring
 *               inside the string
 * @param: str, oldStr, newStr
void StreamOperation::replaceAll(string& str,
			   		  			 string oldStr,
				  	  			 string newStr){

	// The method find return the unsigned int string::npos
    // if substring not found. Therefore, string::size_type
	// type is used
	string::size_type position = 0;

	// Until the end of the string is reached, search for every
    // string that maches the old string and replace it with
	// the new string.
	while((position = str.find(oldStr, position)) != string::npos){

 * countAlphaCharacters
 * @description: Count all alphabetics characters existent in the string
 * @param: str
 * @return: integer
int StreamOperation::countAlphaCharacters(string str){

	int countAlpha = 0;

	// Go thought the whole string, counting all
	// the alphabetic characters
	for (int position = 0;
		 position < str.length();

		countAlpha += (isalpha(str[position]) ? 1 : 0);


	return countAlpha;

 * copyStream
 * @description: This method copy the content from an input stream to
 *               an output stream.
 *				 Base on the flags doRemoveBlankLines, doCountLines, and
 *               doReplaceAllStrings:
 *				 This method can replace all old strings for a new string
 *               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
 *				 stream when copying.
 *               This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
 * @param: fin, fout
void StreamOperation::copyStream(ifstream& fin,
							     ofstream& fout){
	int lineCounter;

	string strBuffer;

	numLinesRemoved = 0;

	numAlphaCharacters = 0;	

	lineCounter = 1;

	// Check if input and output stream can be open
	if (fin.is_open()){

		if (fout.is_open()){	

			//Read one line at the time as a string until eof

				getline(fin, strBuffer);

				// If the string is empty and doRemoveBlankLines
				// is true, count the string as as a blank line
				// else process the string
				if (strBuffer.empty() && doRemoveBlankLines){



					// Count the alphabetic character of the string
					numAlphaCharacters += countAlphaCharacters(strBuffer);

					// Replace all semicolons with the string SEMICOLON
					if (doReplaceAllStrings)
						replaceAll(strBuffer, oldStr, newStr);

					// Add a number to each line if doCountLines is true
					if (doCountLines)
						fout << lineCounter++ << ' ';					

					fout << strBuffer << endl;



		} else {
			cerr << '[X] Error: Program cannot write file!' << endl
				 << 'Exit program!' << endl;

		cerr << '[X] Error: Program cannot read file!' << endl
			 << 'Exit Program!' << endl;



 * Author: Alejandro G. Carlstein
 * Description: Use the file StreamOperations.cpp as an input file
 *				and process it using StreamOperation class

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include 'StreamOperation.h'

static const string INPUT_FILE = 'StreamOperation.cpp';
static const string OUTPUT_FILE = 'Output.txt';
static const string SEMI_COLON = ';';
static const string STR_SEMI_COLON = 'SEMI-COLON';

 * Main function
 * @param: argc, argv

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

	ifstream inputFile;
	ofstream outputFile;

	// If the program is executed with two parameters (file 1  and file 2)
    // used these parameters as input file and output file
	// If the program is executed without parameters use default files
    // If the program is executed with the -h parameter display help
	// If the program get more than two parameters or
    // wrong key display help
	if (argc == 1 || argc == 3){

		if (argc == 1){;;	


		StreamOperation StrOp;

		// Copy the content from the input file to the output file
	    // In the process, replace the ; with string SEMI-COLON,
		// remove the blank lines and number all the lines

		outputFile << 'Lines Removed: '
				   << StrOp.getNumberLinesRemoved() << endl;

		outputFile << 'Alphabetic Characters: '
				   << StrOp.getNumberAlphaCharacters();



	} else {
		cout << argv[0] << ' input_file output_file ' << endl;

	return 0;


This is
An example

of things;
That we can input;

;; aaa ;


1 23
2 This is
3 An example
4 of thingsSEMI-COLON
5 That we can inputSEMI-COLON

If you encounter any problems or errors, please let me know by providing an example of the code, input, output, and an explanation. Thanks.

* author: Alejandro G. Carlstein
* Course: CS 240
* Class: StreamOperation
* Description: This class will read a textfile and produce an output
*        in another text file. The other text file will contain
*         a copy of the input file but all blank lines will be
*        removed, the lines are going to be numbered, all
*              semicolons will be replaces with the string ‘SEMI-COLON’,
*        print the number of lines removed at the second to last
*              line, and finally print the number of alphabetic characters

#include “StreamOperation.h”

* Public Methods

* StreamOperation
* @description: Default Constructor

numLinesRemoved = 0;

numAlphaCharacters = 0;

doRemoveBlankLines = false;

doReplaceAllStrings = false;

doCountLines = false;

oldStr = “”;

newStr = “”;


// * Get Methods *

* getNumberLinesRemoved
* @description: Get the number of lines removed
* @return: integer
int StreamOperation::getNumberLinesRemoved(){
return numLinesRemoved;

* getNumberAlphaCharacters
* @description: Get the number of alphabetic character
* @return: integer
int StreamOperation::getNumberAlphaCharacters(){
return numAlphaCharacters;

// * Set Methods *

// * Print Methods *

// Print the number of blank lines removed
void StreamOperation:RazzrintNumberLinesRemoved(ofstream& output){
if (output.is_open()){
output << numLinesRemoved;
} else {
cerr << “[X] Error: Program cannot write file!” << endl
<< “Exit program!” << endl;

// Print the number of alphabetic characters
void StreamOperation:RazzrintNumberAlphaCharacters(ofstream& output){
if (output.is_open()){
output << numAlphaCharacters;
} else {
cerr << “[X] Error: Program cannot write file!” << endl
<< “Exit program!” << endl;

// * Process Methods *

* copy
* @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream
* @param: input, output
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
ofstream& output){

doRemoveBlankLines = false;

doReplaceAllStrings = false;

doCountLines = false;

copyStream(input, output);


* copy
* @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
*               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
*                 stream when copying.
* @param: input, output, removeBlankLines
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
ofstream& output,
bool removeBlankLines){

doReplaceAllStrings = false;

doCountLines = false;

doRemoveBlankLines = removeBlankLines;

copyStream(input, output);


* copy
* @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
*               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
*                 stream when copying.
*               This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
* @param: input, output, removeBlankLines, numberLines
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
ofstream& output,
bool removeBlankLines,
bool numberLines){

doReplaceAllStrings = false;

doCountLines = numberLines;

doRemoveBlankLines = removeBlankLines;

copyStream(input, output);


* copy
* @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
*                 This method can replace all old strings for a new string
*               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
*                 stream when copying.
*               This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
* @param: input, output, oldstring, new string, removeBlankLines, numberLines
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
ofstream& output,
string oldString,
string newString,
bool removeBlankLines,
bool numberLines){

doReplaceAllStrings = true;

oldStr = oldString;

newStr = newString;

doCountLines = numberLines;

doRemoveBlankLines = removeBlankLines;

copyStream(input, output);


* StreamOperation
* @description: Default Destructor

* Private Methods

* replaceAll
* @description: This method will remove all substrings for a new substring
*               inside the string
* @param: str, oldStr, newStr
void StreamOperation::replaceAll(string& str,
string oldStr,
string newStr){

// The method find return the unsigned int string::npos
// if substring not found. Therefore, string::size_type
// type is used
string::size_type position = 0;

// Until the end of the string is reached, search for every
// string that maches the old string and replace it with
// the new string.
while((position = str.find(oldStr, position)) != string::npos){

* countAlphaCharacters
* @description: Count all alphabetics characters existent in the string
* @param: str
* @return: integer
int StreamOperation::countAlphaCharacters(string str){

int countAlpha = 0;

// Go thought the whole string, counting all
// the alphabetic characters
for (int position = 0;
position < str.length();

countAlpha += (isalpha(str[position]) ? 1 : 0);


return countAlpha;

* copyStream
* @description: This method copy the content from an input stream to
*               an output stream.
*                 Base on the flags doRemoveBlankLines, doCountLines, and
*               doReplaceAllStrings:
*                 This method can replace all old strings for a new string
*               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
*                 stream when copying.
*               This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
* @param: fin, fout
void StreamOperation::copyStream(ifstream& fin,
ofstream& fout){
int lineCounter;

string strBuffer;

numLinesRemoved = 0;

numAlphaCharacters = 0;

lineCounter = 1;

// Check if input and output stream can be open
if (fin.is_open()){

if (fout.is_open()){

//Read one line at the time as a string until eof

getline(fin, strBuffer);

// If the string is empty and doRemoveBlankLines
// is true, count the string as as a blank line
// else process the string
if (strBuffer.empty() && doRemoveBlankLines){



// Count the alphabetic character of the string
numAlphaCharacters += countAlphaCharacters(strBuffer);

// Replace all semicolons with the string SEMICOLON
if (doReplaceAllStrings)
replaceAll(strBuffer, oldStr, newStr);

// Add a number to each line if doCountLines is true
if (doCountLines)
fout << lineCounter++ << ” “;

fout << strBuffer << endl;



} else {
cerr << “[X] Error: Program cannot write file!” << endl
<< “Exit program!” << endl;

cerr << “[X] Error: Program cannot read file!” << endl
<< “Exit Program!” << endl;


 * author: Alejandro G. Carlstein
 * Course: CS 240
 * Class: StreamOperation
 * Description: This class will read a textfile and produce an output
 *		in another text file. The other text file will contain
 * 		a copy of the input file but all blank lines will be
 *		removed, the lines are going to be numbered, all
 *              semicolons will be replaces with the string 'SEMI-COLON',
 *		print the number of lines removed at the second to last
 *              line, and finally print the number of alphabetic characters

#include 'StreamOperation.h'

 * Public Methods

 * StreamOperation
 * @description: Default Constructor

	numLinesRemoved = 0;

	numAlphaCharacters = 0;

	doRemoveBlankLines = false;

	doReplaceAllStrings = false;

	doCountLines = false;

	oldStr = '';

	newStr = '';


// * Get Methods *

 * getNumberLinesRemoved
 * @description: Get the number of lines removed
 * @return: integer
int StreamOperation::getNumberLinesRemoved(){
	return numLinesRemoved;

 * getNumberAlphaCharacters
 * @description: Get the number of alphabetic character
 * @return: integer
int StreamOperation::getNumberAlphaCharacters(){
	return numAlphaCharacters;

// * Set Methods *

// * Print Methods *

// Print the number of blank lines removed
void StreamOperation:RazzrintNumberLinesRemoved(ofstream& output){
	if (output.is_open()){
		output << numLinesRemoved;
	} else {
			cerr << '[X] Error: Program cannot write file!' << endl
				 << 'Exit program!' << endl;

// Print the number of alphabetic characters
void StreamOperation:RazzrintNumberAlphaCharacters(ofstream& output){
	if (output.is_open()){
		output << numAlphaCharacters;
	} else {
			cerr << '[X] Error: Program cannot write file!' << endl
				 << 'Exit program!' << endl;

// * Process Methods *

 * copy
 * @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream
 * @param: input, output
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
						   ofstream& output){

	doRemoveBlankLines = false;

	doReplaceAllStrings = false;

	doCountLines = false;

	copyStream(input, output);


 * copy
 * @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
 *               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
 *				 stream when copying.
 * @param: input, output, removeBlankLines
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
						   ofstream& output,
						   bool removeBlankLines){

	doReplaceAllStrings = false;

	doCountLines = false;

	doRemoveBlankLines = removeBlankLines;

	copyStream(input, output);


 * copy
 * @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
 *               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
 *				 stream when copying.
 *               This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
 * @param: input, output, removeBlankLines, numberLines
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
						   ofstream& output,
						   bool removeBlankLines,
						   bool numberLines){

	doReplaceAllStrings = false;

	doCountLines = numberLines;

	doRemoveBlankLines = removeBlankLines;

	copyStream(input, output);


 * copy
 * @description: Copy the content from an input stream to an output stream.
 *				 This method can replace all old strings for a new string
 *               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
 *				 stream when copying.
 *               This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
 * @param: input, output, oldstring, new string, removeBlankLines, numberLines
void StreamOperation::copy(ifstream& input,
			  			   ofstream& output,
			               string oldString,
			 			   string newString,
			  			   bool removeBlankLines,
						   bool numberLines){

	doReplaceAllStrings = true;

	oldStr = oldString;

	newStr = newString;

	doCountLines = numberLines;

	doRemoveBlankLines = removeBlankLines;

	copyStream(input, output);


 * StreamOperation
 * @description: Default Destructor

 * Private Methods

 * replaceAll
 * @description: This method will remove all substrings for a new substring
 *               inside the string
 * @param: str, oldStr, newStr
void StreamOperation::replaceAll(string& str,
			   		  			 string oldStr,
				  	  			 string newStr){

	// The method find return the unsigned int string::npos
    // if substring not found. Therefore, string::size_type
	// type is used
	string::size_type position = 0;

	// Until the end of the string is reached, search for every
    // string that maches the old string and replace it with
	// the new string.
	while((position = str.find(oldStr, position)) != string::npos){

 * countAlphaCharacters
 * @description: Count all alphabetics characters existent in the string
 * @param: str
 * @return: integer
int StreamOperation::countAlphaCharacters(string str){

	int countAlpha = 0;

	// Go thought the whole string, counting all
	// the alphabetic characters
	for (int position = 0;
		 position < str.length();

		countAlpha += (isalpha(str[position]) ? 1 : 0);


	return countAlpha;

 * copyStream
 * @description: This method copy the content from an input stream to
 *               an output stream.
 *				 Base on the flags doRemoveBlankLines, doCountLines, and
 *               doReplaceAllStrings:
 *				 This method can replace all old strings for a new string
 *               This method can remove all the blank lines in the output
 *				 stream when copying.
 *               This method can number all the lines in the output stream.
 * @param: fin, fout
void StreamOperation::copyStream(ifstream& fin,
							     ofstream& fout){
	int lineCounter;

	string strBuffer;

	numLinesRemoved = 0;

	numAlphaCharacters = 0;	

	lineCounter = 1;

	// Check if input and output stream can be open
	if (fin.is_open()){

		if (fout.is_open()){	

			//Read one line at the time as a string until eof

				getline(fin, strBuffer);

				// If the string is empty and doRemoveBlankLines
				// is true, count the string as as a blank line
				// else process the string
				if (strBuffer.empty() && doRemoveBlankLines){



					// Count the alphabetic character of the string
					numAlphaCharacters += countAlphaCharacters(strBuffer);

					// Replace all semicolons with the string SEMICOLON
					if (doReplaceAllStrings)
						replaceAll(strBuffer, oldStr, newStr);

					// Add a number to each line if doCountLines is true
					if (doCountLines)
						fout << lineCounter++ << ' ';					

					fout << strBuffer << endl;



		} else {
			cerr << '[X] Error: Program cannot write file!' << endl
				 << 'Exit program!' << endl;

		cerr << '[X] Error: Program cannot read file!' << endl
			 << 'Exit Program!' << endl;

Leave a comment

File Transfer Client and Server using Vigenere Cipher

[Disclaimer: This code is provided for educational purposes, you are responsible of how you use this code and this code is provided ‘as is’. Meaning that I do not take responsibility of  any harm that this code may or not produce]

The following is an example of a client and server that let you transfer a file from the client to the server by encrypting and then decrypting the packages using Vigenere Cipher.

Test file content example:

Note: This program is designed only to send files that are alphabetic in lower case, without spaces, and  only one line.



As a good policy, always add your name, short description, and any other information that could help a user that doesn’t know as you the content of your code and its behaviour.

Note: In the server, there must be a subdirectory named cli_serv in which ssh and scp can access after loading.

# Author: Alejandro G. Carlstein Ramos Mejia
# Description: Client/Server File Transfer using Vergene Cipher
# make <= compile all files
# make build <= compile all files
# make all <= clean and compile all files
# make ssh <= Connect to server and go to folder cli_serv
# make upload <= Upload files on SRC_FILES list to server
# make uploadssh <= Upload files on SRC_FILES list to server and connect to server
# make submit <= Tar files on SRC_FILES list
# make zipsubmit <= Tar files on SRC_FILES list and gzip them
# make clean <= Clean all executable and *.o files
# make debug_server <= Debug server using dbg
# make debug_client <= Debug client using dbg
# make ldebug_server <= Debug for leaks on server
# make ldebug_client <= Debug for leaks on client

# Variables

# PROJECT is the name used when preparing for sumit/
# The tar and/or zip file will be using this name
PROJECT = server_client_vergene

# SRC_FILES are list of files in the project.
# This list is used when uploading files to the server.
# Also, this list is used when tar/zipped for submit
	cli.c \
	default.h \
	default.c \
	Makefile \

# OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
SSH = ssh

# secure copy (remote file copy program)
# SCP is used for uploading files to the server in secure mode
SCP = scp

# FOLDER_SERVER is the folder that SSH and SCP will try to access after login
FOLDER_SERVER = server_client_vergene

# SSH_SERVER is the hostname of the server

# -t opens a pseudo-tty with in the current session.
# This flag is required to execute the commands on SSH_CD_FOLDER

# SSH_CD_FOLDER executes cd
# Then change the prompt to show the number of bash in the server
SSH_CD_FOLDER = 'cd $(FOLDER_SERVER); bash; echo $PS1'

# CC indicates which compiler is going to be used
CC = gcc

# Files required for compiling the server
CODE_SERVER_FILE = serv.c default.c

# Files required for compiling the client
CODE_CLIENT_FILE = cli.c default.c

# Name of the executable file for the server

# Name for the executable file for the client

# Flags for the compiler
# -g indicate to provide debuggin information
# -Wall activates the warnings.
# -lm indicate the compiler to add basic mathematics libraries
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -lm

# COMPILE is the combination of the compiler with the flags

# MFLAGS are flags that require to be added at the end

# USERNAME is used later when required to do an upload followed with ssh

# Detect if the computer is SunOS to add flags needed for compiling
UNAME := $(shell uname)
ifeq ($(UNAME), SunOS)
 MFLAGS := -lsocket -lnsl

# 'make' options

# Clean all files and compile client and server
all: clean compile_server compile_client

# Just build server and client
build: compile_server compile_client 

# Compile server
compile_server: $(CODE_SERVER_FILE)

# Compile client
compile_client: $(CODE_CLIENT_FILE)

# Debug server

# Debug client

# Leak debug server
	valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes -v $(EXEC_SERVER_FILE)

# Leak debug client
	valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes -v $(EXEC_CLIENT_FILE)

# Upload files and connect to server
	@echo -n 'Upload and connect to $(SSH_SERVER)- USERNAME: ';\
	read user_name;\
	$(SCP) $(SRC_FILES) $$user_name@$(SSH_SERVER):./$(FOLDER_SERVER);\
	$(SSH) $(SSH_OPTION) $$user_name@$(SSH_SERVER) $(SSH_CD_FOLDER);\

# Upload files to server
	@echo -n 'Upload to $(SSH_SERVER)- USERNAME: ';\
	read user_name;\
	$(SCP) $(SRC_FILES) $$user_name@$(SSH_SERVER):./$(FOLDER_SERVER);\

# Connect to server
	@echo -n 'Connect to $(SSH_SERVER)- USERNAME: ';\
	read user_name;\
	$(SSH) $(SSH_OPTION) $$user_name@$(SSH_SERVER) $(SSH_CD_FOLDER);\

# Makes a archive containing all the project source files for submission.
submit:	$(SRC_FILES)
	tar -cvf $(PROJECT).tar $(SRC_FILES)

# Makes a archive containing all the project source files for submission
# and zip them
zipsubmit:	$(SRC_FILES)
	tar cvfz $(PROJECT).tar.gz $(SRC_FILES)

# Clean files
.PHONY: clean

Default file is required for both the server and the client. It holds the libraries and definitions shared by both programs.

Default.h file:

 * Author: Alejandro G. Carlstein
 * Description: File Transfer Client/Server


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>

/* Required for linux */
#include <string.h>

/* Required for SunOS */
#include <strings.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>

#define DEFAULT_PORT 					8414
#define DATA_PACKET_SIZE 			1024
#define NUM_BYTES							8
#define ENCRYPTION_KEY		    'security'
#define CHAR_KEY_A						97
#define CHAR_PLAIN_A					97
#define CHAR_CIPHER_A					65

#define DBG_LV0 0
#define DBG_LV1 0
#define DBG_LV2 0
#define DBG_LV3 0

#define TRUE									1
#define FALSE									0

#define QUIT_TRUE							0
#define QUIT_FALSE						1

#define CODE_FAIL							'0FAIL'
#define CODE_OK								'1OK'

#define CODE_HELLO						'100HELLO'
#define CODE_WELCOME 					'101WELCOME'

#define CODE_MSG 							'200MSG'

#define CODE_DATA							'300DATA'
#define CODE_EOF							'301EOF'
#define CODE_PUT						  '302PUT'
#define CODE_ENCRYPT					'305ENCRYPT'

#define CODE_CMD							'400CMD'
#define CODE_LS								'401LS'

#define CODE_ERROR            '500ERROR'
#define CODE_ERROR_LS					'501ERROR_LS'

#define CODE_EXIT							'600EXIT'

#define MSG_ERR_WRONG_PROTOCOL  'Wrong protocol!'
#define MSG_ERROR_CREAT_FILE 		'Couldn't create file'
#define MSG_PORT_NUMBER_ONLY 		'Need port number only! \n%s <Port Number>'
#define MSG_ERR_COULDNT_SOCKET  'Couldn't obtain socket - %d'
#define MSG_ERR_COULDNT_CONNECT 'Couldn't connect!'
#define MSG_ERR_SENDING_DATA 		'Couldn't send data!'
#define MSG_ERR_RECEIVING_DATA	'Couln't recieve data!'
#define MSG_ERR_CONNECTION_FAIL 'Connection failed.'
#define MSG_ERR_NO_DIR_STREAM 	'Could not obtain the directory stream'

void debug(int debugLevel, char *fmt, ...);
void errorDoExit(char *fmt, ...);



 * Author: Alejandro G. Carlstein
 * Description: File Transfer Client/Server

#include 'default.h'

void debug(int debugLevel, char *fmt, ...){
	if (debugLevel == 1){
		va_list argp;
		fprintf(stdout, '[DBG] ');
		va_start(argp, fmt);
		vfprintf(stdout, fmt, argp);
		fprintf(stdout, '\n');

void errorDoExit(char *fmt, ...){
	va_list argp;
	fprintf(stderr, '[Error] ');
	va_start(argp, fmt);
	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, argp);
	if (errno){
		fprintf(stderr, '=> %s\n', strerror(errno));
		fprintf(stderr, '\n');

The following is the code for the server.

 * Assignment: 1
 * Course: CS458
 * Author: Alejandro G. Carlstein
 * Description: FTP Server

#include 'default.h'

/*max. length queue of pending connections may grow. */
#define MAX_BACKLOG							5
#define SETSOCKOPT_VAL  				1

#define MSG_SERVER_NAME 				'Server Name: ACARLSTEIN Server Version 1.0'
#define MSG_WAIT_CLIENT					'Waiting client...\n'
#define MSG_WAIT_CLIENT_ON_PORT	'\nTCPServer Waiting for client on port %d\n'

#define MSG_ERR_NO_SOCKET_OPT		'Couldn't set and/or get socket options'
#define MSG_ERR_UNABLE_BIND    	'Unable to bind'
#define MSG_ERR_UNABLE_LISTEN  	'Unable to Listen'
#define MSG_ERR_CANT_SEND_LIST  'Can't send server list\n'

struct Connection{
	int sock;
	int bytes_recieved;
	int port_number;
	int socket_descriptor;
	char send_data[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	char recv_data[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
  struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
  struct sockaddr_in client_addr;

void setUpConnection(struct Connection *new_connection,
										 int port_number);
int menuDriver(struct Connection *new_connection);
void sendData(struct Connection *new_connection,
							const char* data);
int recieveData(struct Connection *new_connection);
void handShake(struct Connection* new_connection);
void sendListDirectoryContents(struct Connection* new_connection);
int receiveFileFromClient(struct Connection* new_connection);
int strdecrypt(const char* str_in,
							 char* str_out);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'argc: %d', argc); 	

	int i;
	int port_number;
	socklen_t sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
	struct Connection connection;

	for(i = 0; DBG_LV1 && i < argc; ++i)
		debug(DBG_LV1, 'argv[%d]: %s', i, argv[i]); 		

	if (argc > 2)	errorDoExit(MSG_PORT_NUMBER_ONLY, argv[0]);

	port_number = (argc == 2) ? atoi(argv[1]) : DEFAULT_PORT;



		setUpConnection(&connection, port_number);

		printf(MSG_WAIT_CLIENT_ON_PORT, port_number);

		connection.socket_descriptor = accept(connection.sock,
													  						  (struct sockaddr *)&connection.client_addr,

		if (connection.socket_descriptor  == -1)





  return 0;

 * Menu driver waiting for instructions
int menuDriver(struct Connection *new_connection){

	int bytes_received = 1;


		if(bytes_received == 0){


			bytes_received = recieveData(new_connection);
			if (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_LS) == 0){
			if (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_PUT) == 0){
				bytes_received = receiveFileFromClient(new_connection);
				fprintf(stderr, MSG_ERR_WRONG_PROTOCOL ' - PUT\n');
	return 0;

 * Set up connection with the client
void setUpConnection(struct Connection *new_connection,
										 int port_number){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'setUpConnection(port_number: %d)', port_number);

	int opt_val = SETSOCKOPT_VAL;
	new_connection->port_number = port_number;

  if ((new_connection->sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
		errorDoExit(MSG_ERR_COULDNT_SOCKET, new_connection->sock);

	if (setsockopt(new_connection->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt_val, sizeof(int)) == -1)

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Got socket!');

  new_connection->server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;

  new_connection->server_addr.sin_port = htons(port_number);

  new_connection->server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
	debug(DBG_LV1, 'sin_addr');

  bzero(&(new_connection->server_addr.sin_zero), NUM_BYTES);

	// bind a name to a socket
  if (bind(new_connection->sock,
  				(struct sockaddr *)&new_connection->server_addr,
  				sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1){

	// Listen for connection on the socket
  if (listen(new_connection->sock, MAX_BACKLOG) == -1){
	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Listening...');	


 * Send data to client
void sendData(struct Connection *new_connection,
							const char* data){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'sendData(data: %s)', data);

 	int data_length;

	bzero(new_connection->send_data, DATA_PACKET_SIZE);
 	strcpy(new_connection->send_data, data);
 	data_length = strlen(new_connection->send_data);

 	debug(DBG_LV1, 'new_connection->send_data: %s',

	if (send(new_connection->socket_descriptor,
					 data_length, 0) != data_length){
		fprintf(stderr, MSG_ERR_SENDING_DATA '\n');

 * Receive data from client
int recieveData(struct Connection *new_connection){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'recieveData()');

	bzero(new_connection->recv_data, DATA_PACKET_SIZE);
	int bytes_recieved = recv(new_connection->socket_descriptor,

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Check bytes received');

	if(bytes_recieved < 1){


		if(bytes_recieved == 0){
			fprintf(stderr, MSG_ERR_CONNECTION_FAIL '\n');
			fprintf(stderr,MSG_ERR_RECEIVING_DATA '\n');


		debug(DBG_LV1, 'Received: %s', new_connection->recv_data);

		new_connection->bytes_recieved = bytes_recieved;
  	new_connection->recv_data[bytes_recieved] = '\0';

  return bytes_recieved;

 * Hand shake with client to test own protocol
void handShake(struct Connection* new_connection){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'handShake()');

	printf('Connection from (%s , %d)...\n',

	debug(DBG_LV1,' If client say HELLO, Greed client with WELCOME');
	if (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_HELLO) == 0){
		debug(DBG_LV1, 'Client handshake with server');
		sendData(new_connection, CODE_WELCOME);
		fprintf(stderr, MSG_ERR_WRONG_PROTOCOL ' - HELLO/WELCOME \n');

	debug(DBG_LV0,'If client ask for server name send server name to client');
	if (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_REQ_SERVER_NAME) == 0){
		debug(DBG_LV1, 'Client asking for server name');
		sendData(new_connection, MSG_SERVER_NAME);
		fprintf(stderr, MSG_ERR_WRONG_PROTOCOL ' - SERVER NAME\n');

 * Send list of directory contents to client
void sendListDirectoryContents(struct Connection* new_connection){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'void displayLocalListDirectoryContents()');
	int bytes_received;
	struct dirent *dirent_struct_ptr;
	DIR *directory_stream_ptr;

	if ((directory_stream_ptr = opendir('./')) != NULL){

  	while ((dirent_struct_ptr = readdir(directory_stream_ptr))){
			sendData(new_connection, dirent_struct_ptr->d_name);				

			bytes_received = recieveData(new_connection);
			if (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_OK) != 0){
				fprintf(stderr, MSG_ERR_CANT_SEND_LIST);
		sendData(new_connection, CODE_EOF);			  		

		sendData(new_connection, CODE_ERROR_LS);


 * Receive encrypted file from client
int receiveFileFromClient(struct Connection* new_connection){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'void receiveFileFromClient(is_encrypted: %s)');											

	int bytes_received;

	char filename[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	char filename_se[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	char filename_sd[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	char str_unencrypted[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	FILE *fp_se, *fp_sd;

	/* Request filename */
	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Request filename from client');
	sendData(new_connection, CODE_REQUEST_FILENAME);

	/* receive filename */
	bytes_received = recieveData(new_connection);
	strcpy(filename, new_connection->recv_data);
	sprintf(filename_se, '%s_se', filename);
	sprintf(filename_sd, '%s_sd', filename);

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'filename: %s', filename);
	debug(DBG_LV1, 'filename_se: %s', filename_se);
	debug(DBG_LV1, 'filename_sd: %s', filename_sd);	

	fp_se = fopen(filename_se, 'w');
	fp_sd = fopen(filename_sd, 'w');
	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Files open');

	if (fp_se == NULL || fp_sd == NULL){
		debug(DBG_LV1, 'Error, closing files');

		debug(DBG_LV1, 'Download file...');
		/* Send code request file */
		sendData(new_connection, CODE_REQUEST_FILE);				

		bytes_received = recieveData(new_connection);

  	/* while loop until eof */
  	while (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_EOF) != 0){

			debug(DBG_LV1, 'Saving: %s', new_connection->recv_data);
	  	/* save encrypted package */
			fprintf(fp_se, '%s', new_connection->recv_data);

			/* Decencrypt package */
			bzero(str_unencrypted, DATA_PACKET_SIZE);
			strdecrypt(new_connection->recv_data, str_unencrypted);
			debug(DBG_LV1, 'Decrypt: %s\n', new_connection->recv_data);

			/* Save unecrypted package */
			debug(DBG_LV1, 'DECRYPT: %s', str_unencrypted);

			fprintf(fp_sd, '%s', str_unencrypted);

			debug(DBG_LV1, 'Sending OK...');
	  	/*send ok */
			sendData(new_connection, CODE_OK);
			bytes_received = recieveData(new_connection);


	return 0;

 * Decrypt string
int strdecrypt(const char* str_in,
							 char* str_out){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'strdencrypt(str_in: %s)', str_in);

	int i, j;
	int i_cipher, i_key, i_temp;
	char str_key[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	strcpy(str_key, ENCRYPTION_KEY);
	char char_temp;
	for (i = 0, j = 0; i < strlen(str_in); ++i, ++j){

		i_cipher = str_in[i] - CHAR_CIPHER_A;
		i_key = str_key[j] - CHAR_KEY_A;
		i_temp = i_cipher - i_key;

		debug(DBG_LV1, 'Ci([%c]%d): %d, Ki([%c]%d): %d, Ci - Ki: %d',
					str_in[i], i, i_cipher, str_key[j], j, i_key, i_temp);

		if (i_temp > -1){
			i_temp = ((i_temp) % 26);
			i_temp = ((i_temp + 26) % 26);

		char_temp = i_temp + CHAR_PLAIN_A;
		if (isalpha(char_temp)){
			str_out[i] = char_temp;
			str_out[i] = '\0';

		if ( (j + 1) >= strlen(str_key)) j = -1;

	return 0;

The following is the code for the client.


 * Assignment: 1
 * Course: CS458
 * Author: Alejandro G. Carlstein
 * Description: Transfer Encrypted File Client

#include 'default.h'

#define DEFAULT_HOST 									'localhost'
#define EXIT_PROGRAM 									0
#define DONT_EXIT_PROGRAM 						1

#define CMD_QUIT											'quit'
#define CMD_HELP											'help'
#define CMD_LS												'ls'
#define CMD_LLS												'lls'
#define CMD_LPWD											'lpwd'
#define CMD_PUT												'put'

#define MSG_DISPLAY_MENU 							'User help:\n'\
																			'help - Display help option\n'\
																		  'lls  - Display local directory list contents\n'\
                    				          'lpwd - Display local current directory\n'\
                    				          'put  - Transfer local file to server\n'\
                    				          '  put <file to transfer>\n'\
                    				          'quit - Quit program\n'

#define MSG_ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND			'[X] Command not recognized: %s\n'
#define MSG_ERROR_GETTING_HOSTNAME 		'Couln't get hostname!'
#define MSG_ERROR_SERVER_DISCONNECTED 'Server disconnected...\n'

enum TOKENS{

struct Connection{
	int sock;
	int bytes_received;
	int port_number;
	char send_data[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	char recv_data[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	struct hostent *host;
  struct sockaddr_in server_addr;

void getConnection(struct Connection *new_connection,
									 char *hostname,
									 int port_number);
void menuDriver(struct Connection *new_connection);
int receiveData(struct Connection *new_connection);
int sendData(struct Connection* new_connection, const char* data);
void handShake(struct Connection* new_connection);
void promptUser(char* tokens[]);
void displayHelp(void);
void displayLocalListDirectoryContents(void);
void printNameCurrentDirectory(void);
void receiveListDirectoryContents(struct Connection *new_connection);
void putFileOnServer(struct Connection *new_connection,
										 const char* filename);
int strencrypt(const char* str_in,
               char* str_out);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'argc: %d', argc); 	

	int i;
	int port_number = (argc >= 3 ) ? atoi(argv[2]) : DEFAULT_PORT;
	char* host_name = (argc >= 2) ? argv[1] : DEFAULT_HOST;

	struct Connection connection;

	for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
		debug(DBG_LV0, 'argv[%d]: %s', i, argv[i]); 		

	if (argc > 3)
		errorDoExit(MSG_PORT_NUMBER_ONLY, argv[0]);

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'host: %s', host_name);

	getConnection(&connection, host_name, port_number);



	return 0;


 * Driver menu
void menuDriver(struct Connection *new_connection){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'menuDriver()');

	short doExit = DONT_EXIT_PROGRAM;
	int i;
	char* tokens[MAX_TOKENS] = {NULL, NULL};
	char command[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	char filename[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];



		for (i = 0; DBG_LV1 && i < MAX_TOKENS; ++i)
			debug(DBG_LV1, 'TOKEN[%d]: %s', i, tokens[i]);

		/* Must copy string to work on SunOS */
		if (tokens[TOKEN_COMMAND] != NULL){
			strcpy(command, tokens[TOKEN_COMMAND]);
   		debug(DBG_LV1, '[Command: %s]', command);

		if (tokens[TOKEN_FILENAME] != NULL){
    	strcpy(filename, tokens[TOKEN_FILENAME]);
	    debug(DBG_LV1, '[Filename: %s]', filename);

		/* MENU */

		if (strcmp(command, CMD_QUIT) == 0){
			debug(DBG_LV1, 'COMMAND> %s: ', CMD_QUIT);
			printf('Bye Bye\n');
			doExit = EXIT_PROGRAM;

		if (strcmp(command, 'help') == 0){
			debug(DBG_LV1, 'COMMAND> %s ', CMD_HELP);

		if (strcmp(command, CMD_LLS) == 0){
			debug(DBG_LV1, 'COMMAND> %s ', CMD_LLS);

		if (strcmp(command, CMD_LLS) == 0){
			debug(DBG_LV1, 'COMMAND> %s ', CMD_LLS);

		if (strcmp(command, CMD_LS) == 0){
			debug(DBG_LV1, 'COMMAND> %s ', CMD_LS);

		if (strcmp(command, CMD_LPWD) == 0){
			debug(DBG_LV1, 'COMMAND> %s ', CMD_LPWD);

		if (strcmp(command, CMD_PUT) == 0){
			debug(DBG_LV1, 'COMMAND> %s ', CMD_PUT);
			putFileOnServer(new_connection, filename);

			printf(MSG_ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND, command);



 * Obtain connection with server
void getConnection(struct Connection *new_connection,
									 char *hostname,
									 int port_number){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'getConnection(hostname: %s, port_number: %d)', hostname, port_number);

	if ((new_connection->host = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL)

	new_connection->port_number = port_number;	

	if ((new_connection->sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
		errorDoExit(MSG_ERR_COULDNT_SOCKET, new_connection->sock);

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Got socket!');

  new_connection->server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;

  new_connection->server_addr.sin_port = htons(port_number);

  new_connection->server_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)new_connection->host->h_addr);
	debug(DBG_LV1, 'sin_addr');

	// bzero() is used only for setting the values to zero
	bzero(&(new_connection->server_addr.sin_zero), NUM_BYTES);

  if (connect(new_connection->sock,
  					  (struct sockaddr *)&new_connection->server_addr,
  					  sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Got connection!');

 * Receive data
 * @Return: Number of bytes received
int receiveData(struct Connection *new_connection){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'receiveData()');

	bzero(new_connection->recv_data, DATA_PACKET_SIZE);
	int bytes_received = recv(new_connection->sock,

	if(bytes_received < 1){
		if(bytes_received == 0){


	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Received (%d): %s',
				strlen(new_connection->recv_data), new_connection->recv_data);	

	new_connection->bytes_received = bytes_received;
  new_connection->recv_data[bytes_received] = '\0'; 

  return bytes_received;

 * Send data
 * @Return: Number of bytes sended
int sendData(struct Connection* new_connection,
						const char* data){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'sendData(%s)', data);
	int data_length;

	bzero(new_connection->send_data, DATA_PACKET_SIZE);
	strcpy(new_connection->send_data, data);
	data_length = strlen(new_connection->send_data);

	if (send(new_connection->sock, new_connection->send_data,
					 data_length, 0) != data_length){

	return data_length;

 * Hand shake with the server to verify own protocol
void handShake(struct Connection* new_connection){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'handShake()');

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Sending HELLO message...');
	sendData(new_connection, CODE_HELLO);

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'Getting WELCOME message...');

	if (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_WELCOME) > -1){
		debug(DBG_LV1, 'Got WELCOME!');

		debug(DBG_LV1, 'Request server name');
		sendData(new_connection, CODE_REQ_SERVER_NAME);

		printf('Server Name: %s\n', new_connection->recv_data);

 * Prompt user for input
void promptUser(char* tokens[]){
	char str_input[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	char *p;
	int i;

	printf('\nftp> ');
	fgets(str_input, DATA_PACKET_SIZE, stdin);		

	p = strtok(str_input, ' \n');
  for (i = 0; p != NULL; (p = strtok(NULL, ' \n')), i++)
		tokens[i] = p;

 * Display help message
void displayHelp(void){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'displayHelp()');

 * Display local list directory contents
void displayLocalListDirectoryContents(void){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'void displayLocalListDirectoryContents()');

	struct dirent *dirent_struct_ptr;
	DIR *directory_stream_ptr;

	if ((directory_stream_ptr = opendir('./')) != NULL){

  	while ((dirent_struct_ptr = readdir(directory_stream_ptr))){
	  	printf(' %s\n',dirent_struct_ptr->d_name);


 * Print the name of the current directory
void printNameCurrentDirectory(void){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'void printNameCurrentDirectory()');

	long size;
	char *buf;
	char *ptr;
	size = pathconf('.', _PC_PATH_MAX);
	if ((buf = (char *)malloc((size_t)size)) != NULL){
		ptr = getcwd(buf, (size_t)size);
		errorDoExit('Could not obtain the current directory');
	printf('Current Directory: %s\n', ptr);

 * Receive the list of directory contents from the server
void receiveListDirectoryContents(struct Connection *new_connection){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'receiveListDirectoryContents()');

	sendData(new_connection, CODE_LS);

	while (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_EOF) != 0){

		if (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_ERROR_LS) == 0){
			fprintf(stderr, 'Couldn't read list directory contents!\n');
			printf('%s\n', new_connection->recv_data);
			sendData(new_connection, CODE_OK);


 * Put an encrypted file on the server
void putFileOnServer(struct Connection *new_connection,
										 const char* filename){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'void putFileOnServer(filename: %s)', filename);

	char str_filename[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	char filename_ce[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	char str_in_file[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	char str_in_file_encrypt[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];
	FILE *fp, *fp_ce;

	strcpy(str_filename, filename);

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'str_filename: %s', str_filename);

	sprintf(filename_ce, '%s_ce', str_filename);

	debug(DBG_LV1, 'filename_ce: %s', filename_ce);

	fp = fopen(str_filename, 'r');

	fp_ce = fopen(filename_ce, 'w');

	if (fp == NULL || fp_ce == NULL){
		errorDoExit('Couldn't open file');

		/* Send PUT code to server */
		sendData(new_connection, CODE_PUT);

		debug(DBG_LV0, 'Waiting for CODE_REQUEST_FILENAME');
		/* Receive filename request form server */
		if (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_REQUEST_FILENAME) == 0){

			debug(DBG_LV0, 'Send filename');
			/* Send filename to server */
			sendData(new_connection, str_filename);

			/* Receive request to send file */
			if (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_REQUEST_FILE) == 0){
				printf('Sending file: %s.\n', filename);
					/* Encrypt file */
				while(fgets(str_in_file, DATA_PACKET_SIZE, fp) != NULL){
					debug(DBG_LV2, 'Reading (Len: %d): %s', strlen(str_in_file), str_in_file);						

					/* encrypt package */
					strencrypt(str_in_file, str_in_file_encrypt);

					/* Save it in <filename>_ce */
					fprintf(fp_ce, '%s', str_in_file_encrypt);					

					/* send packages */
					sendData(new_connection, str_in_file_encrypt);

					/* Waiting for ok */
					if (strcmp(new_connection->recv_data, CODE_OK) == 0){
						errorDoExit('Wrong protocol - Waiting OK');

				sendData(new_connection, CODE_EOF);			

				errorDoExit('Wrong protocol - Waiting request for file ');

			errorDoExit('Wrong protocol - Waiting for request of filename');




 * Encrypt the string using key
 * @Return: Number of bytes encrypted
int strencrypt(const char* str_in,
               char* str_out){
	debug(DBG_LV0, 'strencrypt(str_in: %s)', str_in);

	int i, j;
	int i_plain, i_key;

	char str_key[DATA_PACKET_SIZE];

	strcpy(str_key, ENCRYPTION_KEY);

	for (i = 0, j = 0; i < strlen(str_in) - 1; ++i, ++j){

		i_plain = (unsigned int)str_in[i] - CHAR_PLAIN_A;
		i_key = (unsigned int)str_key[j] - CHAR_KEY_A;

		str_out[i] = (char)((i_plain + i_key) % 26 + CHAR_CIPHER_A);

		debug(DBG_LV1, '(str_out: %d) [%c:%d] = (str_in:%d)[%c:%d], (key:%d)[%c:%d]',
					i, str_out[i], (int)str_out[i],
					i, str_in[i], (int) str_in[i],
					j, str_key[j], (int)str_key[j]);

		if ( (j + 1) >= strlen(str_key)) j = -1;

	return strlen(str_in);

When I wrote the code, I was following certain guidelines. As you may think the code could be written better. I agree.

In case you have any questions about the code please post them. I will try to answer you as soon as possible.

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