3D Printer – Jun 17, 2010

In two days, I will obtain some funds to continue building the 3D printer. I must confess that I am excited.
This cash will let me obtain tools and materials that I need to work on this project.
As I explain in previous postings, building a  3D printer using recycle printers parts is like working with different puzzle sets, you need to build some pieces to put it all together.

Talking about 3D printing, I found an article in Linux Pro Magazine written by James A. Barkley about the topic.
Even do there is a lot of information on the web, especially in the website http://www.hackaday.com in which there are postings about 3D printing.

Since I use my blog as a kind of notepad, the follow are just some notes I am taking from the article for me:

  1. Open Source Hardware (OSH), TAPR Open Hardware License, GPL, LGPL, GPLv3, Additive Manufacturing (AM), additive techniques, additive layer manufacturing, free-form fabrication, Electrong Beam Melting units, NYC Transistor, AS220, Willoughby and Baltic.
  2. ReplicatorG [7], Sanguino, apt-get install sun-java6-jdk avrdude gcc-avr avr-libc libusb libftdil libtfdi-dev (libusb?, libftdil?)
  3. Art of Illusion (AoI), Thingiverse, TurboSquid, .stl (stereolithography), .gts, .obj, .svg, MakeOne open source,
  4. Python, Skeinforge, Makebot tutorial about Skeinforge configuration, G-Code file, CNC machines, M-Code (handling management functions), CupCake, RepRap, extruder head/noozle, PVC welding rod, spindles of ABS plastic, Fab@Home, UV-curable materials, MakerGrear, LadyAda, Adafruit, Synfig Studio, Peekabot,
  5. Distance 1mm to close burn, 1mm away might cold quicky
  6. http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/List_of_Hacker_Spaces, http://evilmadscientist.com/article.php?3printerpreview, http://replicat.org/download, http://www.thingiverse.com, http://tubosquid.com, http://github.com/makeone/makeone, http://bitsfrombytes.com/wiki/index.php?title=Skeinforge, http://wiki.makebot.com/configuring-skeinforge, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-code, http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/G-code
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3D Printer – Taking apart printers, playing with Arduino and protoboard

Taking apart printers and playing with Arduino and protoboard

Arduino and protoboard
Arduino and protoboard
Programing Arduino
Programing Arduino
Taking apart a printer
Taking apart a printer
Connecting X head to protoboard
Connecting X head to protoboard
Taking apart a printer
Taking apart a printer
Taking apart a printer
Taking apart a printer
Taking apart a printer
Taking apart a printer
Taking apart a printer
Taking apart a printer
Mounting base for X head
Mounting base for X head
Taking apart printer
Taking apart printer
Taking apart printer
Taking apart printer
Taking apart printer
Taking apart printer
Taking apart printer
Taking apart printer
Base for X head
Base for X head
Taking apart a printer
Taking apart a printer
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Project – Fix holes on VW GTI

Experiment: Fixing the holes in my VW GTI 98

Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car

Fixing the carFixing the car

Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
Fixing the car
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Fixing the car
Fixing the car

Fixing the car

Fixing the car
Fixing the car
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